ylq's blog

If I say that I am the only thing worthy of nostalgia in this world, then it is only it. -s kneeling in front of the window, looking at the pink rose in front of me, looking at its pink petals, I would remember the unforgettable smile on her face.r my obsession with music again and again, my parents finally got a heavy head in a hot afternoon, so I studied violin in the southwest of this small county every day. I didn��t feel sad when I lost my nap time. I am so attractive, I like music since I was young, so I don't want to have more time to learn music 24 hours a day. So, I carried my it was hot and carrying a big box to the streets, she came into my eyes. She seemed to be leaning at any time Buy Marlboro Cigarettes Online, and she still had a few English review materials in her hand. Suddenly she fell, but she did not see it. I quickly helped her and took her to the nearest clinic. After a while she woke up and understood everything Newport Cigarettes. She smiled and said, "Thank you." In a word, even the name has never been said. I didn't say anything, and a thousand smiles expressed a thousand words. After rushing to the doctor, I hurried on the road, but she kept following me until I entered the teacher's door, only to see her go to the next-door tutoring class. It turned out that she was here to tutor, time is up, I rushed to pack things home, today's series of incidents coupled with fatigued piano and hot weather Newport Cigarettes Website, I only have one breath to support home.d the door open and she did the same thing across the street Carton Of Newports. She smiled and said, "We met again." I sighed and asked her in a helpless posture: "How are you here?" She laughed. Laughed and said: "I am here to tutor, from X City, living in the Dagu family for the summer vacation." No wonder I found her fluent Mandarin Online Cigarettes, not the person who came over the small county town where I could come. We talked all the way, and finally we stopped at our doorsteps and found out that we were in a community, and the adjacent one was just a courtyard.dually got used to it, and I talked about it. I found that there is an intangible tacit understanding among us. Maybe we can be a confidant like the Bozi period, but we never dare to tell our parents, maybe they are bored by them. Early love.afternoon, she asked me to come out. We walked on the noisy streets. She and I were free and happy during this summer vacation. Suddenly she was in front of me and silent for a long time. She said, "I will go tomorrow. There is something at home, maybe, maybe I won��t come back again, but maybe I can.�� ��Yeah, I promised to say this in my heart. "Well, isn't there still today? Don't be downcast, isn't there still today?" After I took the step, I set foot on the street, a flower seller blocked our way, she was in a whim, she wanted to buy flowers, her eyes It fell on a pink rose, the flower was crumbling in the wind, but it stood strong in the wind, it, no, it was. Because it is two flowers that are close together, like a friend who relies on each other and a confidant. She carefully picks up a flower pot, transplants it in and gives it to me. She smiles and says, "Give you, hope me. When you are not there, you can be happy and smile for everyone on the street. I took the flowers and learned that she had a shallow smile on her face., she left, I silently said goodbye to the window, watching her leave my eyes and leave this small county. But since sad, there will not be too much regret. I stood in the wind, often remembered her, only to find out that I still don't know her name, so she called her certain, and so on, I will smile at everyone, but there is no bright, almost no People return my same smile, but believe me, I will stick to it. I look at the pink rose on the pot and have a smile on my face. 
Natural color Everything in nature is beautiful: flowers, beauty in color; heaven, beauty in clarity; clouds, beauty in purity; mountains, beauty in the hustle and bustle. The beauty of nature stems from these beautiful scenery; the beauty of nature comes from these beautiful eternal. Lying on the grass, looking up at the sky stone first fun Marlboro Red 100S. Looking at the endless sky, a bird that flies occasionally, drifting past a white cloud, the sun is looming... In the summer evening, I always come alone to the lawn next to the yard to enjoy the beautiful scenery at dusk. - At the twilight, occasionally a few leaves fell, and there was a breeze blowing around them... and sitting on the hillside reading a book Carton Of Newports. I don't like to read books in the bookstore, but I like to bring a book I like, climb up the hill, and taste the meaning of the book on the hillside. When I look tired, I will stretch my eyes and look at the green. Trees and grass... eyes and mood are very comfortable. I never like insects. Because the insects are small, I am afraid that they bite me, and they often move on people to spit out the disgusting saliva. However, soon after, I gradually fell in love with them. It crawled slowly on the leaves, chewing on the green leaves, and showing a kind expression on the face, which is very flattering. How is grass strong and tenacious! No matter how ruthlessly we step on it, we can grow tender grass as long as it is watered by the rain Parliament Cigarettes. "The wildfire is not burning, the spring breeze is born again." I have thoroughly understood this sentence now! The lively and lovely fish is much loved by me. The crystal clear river always has a happy playful figure of the fish. They spit in the water and played freely in the creek Newport 100S. The people now are busy with work and have not appreciated her. friend! Stop and use your heart to feel the beauty of nature. She will help you eliminate fatigue and troubles and give you unlimited happiness.y to be happy�� has always been my motto. good mood, the darkness becomes bright, the panic becomes calm, the disappointment becomes self-confidence, and the silent heart is also ice cream in the summer, a warm blessing from a friend, a smile from the parents, and a word of encouragementd mood does not need to pray, it will appear when you need it most, and will accompany you through every spring, summer, autumn and winter.od is easy to get. It comes when you come, and you can leaveten complain: "Learning is too busy, bad mood." This is wrong. We are very busy, busy every day wearing stars and wearing a lot of money, but the busy study makes us have a happy, a good always busy sneaking. Several friends get together, chatting, shopping, and eating. But we still do not forget our mission, and afterwards, it is intense learning. We still have a good mood.od mood. Maybe you don't pay attention to it, maybe you have inadvertently got it to lose it, but it is really important to have a good mood. It will encourage you to do everything well and let go of any unpleasantness Cigarette Tobacco For is optimistic, and every day has a good mood, even if you have nothing, even if you only have one day of life, you are still rich. Because you have happiness.ife, all that is needed is a good 
Time is really fast, unconsciously, we have lived on this familiar home for six years. Every day, there are friendly teachers and classmates to accompany me to spend Newport Cigarettes Coupons, and the boring learning life suddenly becomes more colorful, adding a fun. Now I think of my life in school for the past six years. I feel like I am tasting a very special food, sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy. Every cultivation of the school, the teacher has carefully cultivated and learned a lot of useful knowledge, many of which make sense of life. Getting along with my classmates made me learn the preciousness of friendship Marlboro Cigarettes, the importance of having a sincere friend, and the six-year harvest that gave me a lifetime. Every year, the teachers and classmates witnessed me, witnessed my changes, and witnessed my efforts for the ideal. However, every year's change is very important to me, so I will not forget all of this. What impressed me should be the first year of imagination and the fourth grade of confi I am, just the day I stepped into school. The tender hands clasped the parents' clothes, and the small body shyly hid behind the parents and walked into the campus in a small step. The mood is so tense, so curious about everything strange, full of imagination. I still remember that at that time, the school gate was engraved with a large "Huizhou Fifth Elementary School", and many trophies were still on the school gate. When you walked into the campus, the few trees that were leafy were introduced. They should have several years of age. Their existence symbolizes the growth of the school. Although the big tree has fallen because of the accident, this does not mean that the school will fall down. It will take the expectations of the tree and better educate the students. The red flag on the stage is flying high in the air. I can't help but stand up. I am going to be a young pioneer. I have to learn for it, glory for the school, and glory for the country. When my parents handed our hand to the teacher, my heart was so practical, because I trusted the teacher, and I clearly understood that the teacher had to give him all his hard work and all the experience in the past six yeampetition in the fourth grade Marlboro Gold. It was that game that made me interested in writing and full of confidence. After class, I was called to the office by the teacher. The teacher said with full expectation: "There is an essay competition, which was held in December Marlboro Gold Pack. The teacher chose you to participate. Now we only have one month of struggle, you write one every day. The composition is for me, I will help you to correct it, and I will go to school every day Carton Of Newports, and we will change it together.�� In this short month, the teacher went home late at school, stayed in the office and modified the composition with me, and the teacher changed. I��m talking about some writing skills with me. Looking at the full-page red-hot essay, I found out that the teacher put all his hopes on me, and all I can do is to have a good game. A month's effort exchanged for the second prize, in exchange for a brilliant smile from the teacher, in exchange for my confidence in writing. Since that game, I started to like writing. I feel that through writing, we can express our inner thoughts and express our suggestions for society. I think if it is not the teacher's trust in me, maybe I am still a stupid student who writes a mad head, a student who hates writing. The fourth grade game will make me love my work, which is already in my mind. 
We have been living in this familiar home for six years, the school is watching us grow, and we are watching the school change a little bit Newport 100S. Every time we step into the campus, we are very surprised, because it is becoming more beautiful and more attractive. I still remember that the school was so simple and simple, but overnight, the magician gave it magical decorations Marlboro Red, making it so special. Into the elementary school, surrounded by fragrant flowers and lovely grass, with their companionship, the campus is full of vitality, let our mood become cheerful. We used to be a naive child, but after six years of wind and rain, we gradually grew up and learned to face difficulties and face the big winds Buy Marlboro Cigarettes Online. In the first grade, I only choose to give up or rely on the help of the teacher in the face of difficulties, but I never thought about solving it myself. In the past six years, we have encountered countless difficulties. We don��t bow our heads in the face t forget it. The teacher is like a warm sunshine in the cold wind; a stove in the snow, the darkness is a star light. Everyone always compares the teacher to a hard working gardener, but we are a small flower grass. The gardener waters the small flowers and grass every day, and the teacher instills knowledge into us every day, teaching us many things every day. When the small flowers and grass are harmed by the pests, the gardeners will immediately fertilize and protect them. When we go astray and make a small mistake, the teacher will always stop us and educate us to learn how to distinguish things, not to continue to make mistakes and correct mistakes. Every time we encounter difficulties, the teacher will always stand by to cheer for us, worry for us, and find solutions for us. I forgot a drop of crystal sweat from the teacher's head. The sweat ates for accompanying me for the six-year elementary school life. I really enjoyed your company. I made you understand the true meaning of friendship, the happiness of friends, and the company of friends. Happiness. In the face of difficulties, the real friend is desperate for you to solve the problem. In the fall, the real friend will cheer for you and will lift you up Marlboro Red 100S. I still remember that time I was not convinced, and the physical education teacher spoke up. The teacher was angry and punished me. I felt that I did not make a mistake and I did not move Cigarettes Cheaper. The good friend said nervously at the side: "Pan Jiaqi, don't talk to the teacher again. He is a teacher. Don't be afraid, we will run with you. We also have speeches. We will run with you, run ten laps. Circle, my friend is not worth ten laps." I don't know why, I have always been stubborn, I ran, everyone is panting. But they are joking on the side: "Run with you, it's worth it!" Is this a true friend? Yes, this is. They always come out when you need it, and do everything for you, just for the two valuable words "friends." In them, I learned to treat om the vast sea of ??people. Although we may not necessarily study in the same classroom in the future, in my mind, there is a part where everyone gets along and there are memories of everyone. Thank you all here, I have been with me for six years, I am very happy. Soon I will say goodbye to this happy time, this beautiful campus, this kind teacher, this classmate who left me a deep memory. The life in elementary school is so memorable, I really can't bear it, but time is so annoying, always letting everything go so fast. And I can only say in my best state, with my best performance, without regret, goodbye, good life in elementary school! ?