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The human heart is deceitful than everything, so bad. Who can understand it? Dostoyevsky showed his hypocrisy, cruelty, cruelty and cruelty in "Sin and Punishment" relentlessly. cunning. Raskolnikov, a law student who dropped out of school due to poverty, rented a five-story apartment in an apartment, and lived on the money saved by his mother and sister from the cost of living. Raskolnikov has not paid his rent for a long time, and the landlord's wife has stopped feeding. In such a state of embarrassment and poverty, he was tired of everything in life. By chance, he met Alona, ??the old widow who had loan sharks. The meanness and richness of the old widow stabbed Raskornnikov's pride. He hates this unfair world. In his eyes, the old widow is ruthless, cruel, useless to society, and a blood-sucking lice. Murder was there when he first met the old widow. Dostoyevsky devoted a lot of time to describing the motivation and preparation for Raskolnikov's crime Marlboro Lights. Actually, Raskolnikov was struggling from the beginning. He is not a habitual criminal, and even when he thinks of this crime, he feels dirty, despicable, and hateful. But the injustices that are visible everywhere in society continue to promote his criminal motives. Eventually, he raised the axe to the old widow, and by the way killed the old widow's sister Lisa Vita. The appearance of the younger sister was an accident. He did not intend to kill her, but she appeared at an inappropriate time. Lisa Vita is a kind person. She loves God and is kind to others. Her death constantly tortures Raskolnikov's conscience. Killing the old widow is to kill the people, as if there is a righteous purpose, but killing Lisa Vita only because of fear of exposing the crime. No matter how many sounding reasons Ras Kornikov found for himself, he could not avoid the good Lisa Vita in his heart. Despite his cleverness, he slyly and wisely fought with Porfelli. But the fear of crime being revealed, the despair of life, sometimes exhilarating, and sometimes the decadent complex heart made him almost collapsed. Murder did not change his bad current situation, did not realize his ideal of life, but worse and more desperate. Dostoevsky's writing style is very sharp, especially for the complex mind of the characters, never revealing the human nature, the nakedness of human nature is a three-pointer. Rasknikov's heart is like an unpredictable abyss, containing all the kindness and cruelty, honesty and hypocrisy of human beings, pain and smile Parliament Cigarettes, calm and madness, loyalty and betrayal, intelligence and deceit. This is actually our heart, but oftentimes, the beauty of life has whitewashed our souls, let us see that we are too beautiful. The entire book "Sin and Punishment" is full of despair and struggle, but if this is the case, this work is not considered Nothing. Dostoevsky was a great writer. In addition to the crimes and punishments of Raskolnikov, there is also the love and acceptance of the prostitute Sonia. In addition to the crimes and punishments, there is the redemption of the cross. When Raskolnikov confided to Sonia desperately, he asked Sonia: "Why don't you scold me, but embrace me?" Sonia said: "Because there is no more in the world than you Happy people! ". When he asked Sonia about the suffering of her life, what was God's answer? Sonia read to him the story of Lazarus' death and resurrection in the Bible When he asked, "Do you think I am humble?" Sonia said, "No, you are just suffering." Raskolnikov's heart went to the road of redemption unconsciously because of the love of a prostitute. He surrendered and admitted his crime to the community. Sonia is the most beautiful figure in this work, and behind this beauty is her cross. The cross appears repeatedly in Dostoevsky's novels. It is a symbol of "active choice of compassion and suffering, and of choosing to suffer with others." It is also a symbol of Christ's redemption of mankind. Before Raskolnikov turned himself in, he asked Sonia: "Will you leave me?" Sonia said, "No, no matter where you go, I will follow you." When Raskol Nikov asked Sonia for a cross. Sonia gave him the cross he had brought, and she brought Lisa Vita's cross. "This is a symbol," he said. "It means that I am going to bear the cross." This man who has never believed in God is finally willing to bear his cross. Jesus said, "My power is perfect in man's weakness." The cause of human suffering is because of man's sin. Solving the problems of suffering and sin will eventually return to the cross of Jesus. Tolstoy's "Resurrection", Hugo's "The Tragic World", and Dostoevsky's "Sin and Punishment" all express this theme. If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things It's over, it's all new. Raskolnikov confessed his crimes from his heart, and from the moment he was willing to bear the cross, he had been reborn and resurrected like Lazarus
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The three-year-old Oscar accidentally noticed that his mother and cousin Bronski were secretly having sex with each other, and witnessed the puppets of the Nazi forces, so he decided not to grow up and would rather be a gnome. From his perspective, society and the people around him are weird and crazy. He beats a tin drum all day in order to vent his indignation against the deformed society and the world Marlboro Gold. His father or teacher provoked him, and he would scream loudly, shattering the window glass and the teacher's lenses into pieces; he also used this to "disturb" the social order and cause trouble for the Nazi assembly. Although he is not tall, he is exceptionally intelligent and intelligent. Faced with his insight, his mother died in shame and depression, and his father became a Nazi officer, declaring his death in the war. Neighbor girl Maria came to take care of him, and the two had sex. After pregnancy, she married her father and gave birth to Kurt. Oscar went to the front with the Gnomish Acrobatic Troupe to console the Germans. Three years later, he returned home. The Soviets captured Berlin and his father swallowed the Nazi party emblem and died. Oscar lost the tin drum while burying his father, and his own son Kurt struck his back with a stone, causing him to fall into the grave and bleeding endlessly; however, he began to grow, screaming the special function of breaking glass Disappeared with it. This is the storyline of the entire book, bizarre and weird. The distorted human nature is clearly manifested in it. In connection with the background of the time, we can see that the novel tells the troubled and troubled history of Danze. When Russia, Austria, and Prussia divided up Poland for the third time, this seaport city was placed under Prussia. After World War I, Danzig became a free city, hosted by the League of Nations. Hitler invaded Poland under the pretext of the Danzig Corridor, setting off the flames of World War II. Post-war Danze returned to wave This was the author's strong dissatisfaction with Hitler's rule, as well as his feelings and grief for the current situation in Germany. The book is divided into three chapters. From 11989 to 1939, the background was mainly based on the rise of Nazi forces in Danzig after Hitler, the leader of the Nazi Party in 1933, became German Chancellor. ?In Chapter Two, the story takes place in Danzig, from 1939 to 1946. The background is the main military operation of the Second World War. The Nazi Party ��s euthanasia plan (to treat the mentally ill, Demented children and other patients were eliminated as "unworthy lives") Marlboro Red, the gas chambers of the concentration camps slaughtered Jews, the "7.2" incident of the assassination of Hitler by officers in 1944, the resistance movement, and the original Germany that was placed in another country after the war Germans in the territory were expelled. In the third chapter, the story is located in Dusseldorf. The background is the post-war period when the US, Britain, and France occupied areas, namely West Germany, in a period of scarcity of supplies, the black market transactions of the common people, the devaluation of the Imperial Mark, and the exchange of US military cigarettes The denomination unit, West German currency reform, passed the Basic Law and the economic recovery after the establishment of the Federal Republic of Germany, from 1946 to 1954. These are past experiences that Germans over 30 years of age have personally experienced and wanted to forget when the novel was published, and the author tends to evoke people's role in these past events, especially in this past history. Memories. And taking Danzig as the place of the story itself, it involved a sensitive political issue at the time. The iron drum used a few keywords to analyze it was crazy, hopeless, helpless and cruel. The actual situation is reflected in the work. This is the reflection of the writer and the reflection of the people Carton Of Cigarettes, and it is also a satire on those in power. This is a novel of great practical significance.
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Every family letter is a cultural heritage, let alone the "Fu Lei Family Letter". Home letters, as the name suggests, refer to correspondence between family members and loved ones. After the writing of the text, the family script appeared, which can be said to have a long history. With the gradual enrichment of words and languages, the invention of paper, the family letters gradually became popular, and to this day, the family letters are one of the bonds to maintain family relationships. A letter, in the words expressing deep affection, reflects beautiful interpersonal relationships, noble standards of life, good conduct and moral traditions and patriotic enthusiasm. These contents are all part of the excellent culture of the Chinese nation. In the case of "Fu Lei's Family Book", this book is a family book written by Fu Lei for children. The general theme of the nearly one hundred family books written by Fu Lei is: educating children and acting in accordance with the Chinese civilization; aspirations to become talents, and serving the motherland as a priority. In the book at home, we can see that it is extremely strict to educate children. Fu Lei expresses his heartfelt emotions, and Aiko is deeply affectionate: "The next day after you leave, you want to write a letter, afraid that you will be annoyed, so just stop. But one day I don't want you." 1954 "You came back and left ; Many new jobs, new busyness, new changes are waiting for you Online Cigarettes, you will not feel lonely; we are quiet, and slowly return to our monotonous life, compared with the past party and busy I ca n��t help but be empty. ��1956�� My son has become a friend. There is nothing in the world that can be compared with this happiness! Although there will be less separation between you and me in the future Marlboro Gold, I am at least warm in spirit, no Lonely. "The book of Fu Lei gave us an understanding of the past history, opened a window, and saved us a good memory of that era. It is precisely because of its existence that it clearly reflects the excellent morals of the Chinese nation. It is not only Fu Lei Children's education, but also to act in our conduct guidelines. In addition to teaching people to stand and act, Fu Lei's family book is also filled with deep affection. The affection revealed between the lines is touching. I can't help thinking of my parents. Although they are not great people, they are not as famous as Fu Lei, and they can't tell the truth of what makes people stand, but they think of everything. No matter what they do, they will think for me first, for me. intend. In the book of Fu Lei's family, there are many avenues for life, and it is a valuable spiritual wealth. However, why are the daily teachings of parents not the norm for standing? My parents don't make sense like Fu Lei, but they are always good for me. In addition to teaching people to stand and act, Fu Lei's family book is also filled with deep affection. The affection revealed between the lines is touching. I can't help thinking of my parents. Although they are not great people, they are not as famous as Fu Lei, and they can't tell the truth of what makes people stand, but they think of everything. No matter what they do, they will think for me first, for me. intend. In the book of Fu Lei's family, there are many avenues for life, and it is a valuable spiritual wealth. However, why are the daily teachings of parents not the norm for standing? My parents do n��t speak reasoning like Fu Lei, but they always read "Fu Lei Family Book" for me Parliament Cigarettes. I learned a lot of life principles and felt the greatness of family.
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"Time Capsule" is a beautiful portrait of sunshine sister Wu Meizhen about her childhood fun, campus life and hometown customs. It is a beautiful memory of childhood time exuding tranquility and tranquility. As a child, it is the happiest time for a person, and it is also the spiritual hometown of a person's life. Streams, mountains, ancient cities, and old alleys. In the small towns with beautiful scenery, the sunshine sister Wu Meizhen grew up happily. I went to school on the first day and I was beaten for the first time. Good students in the school, naughty ghosts at home; flying kites with friends to make sandbags; eating popcorn and watching charming picture books ... In the old customs of southern Anhui , Sun sister Wu Meizhen walked through the narrow alley to pursue colorful dreams, and heard the sound of childhood in the smoky wind of summer. Let ��s open the door of memory in the warm narration of sister Sun Meimei, my first day of school, my happy campus life, my first day of school, and I still clearly remember what it was like at that time Uneasy! In the morning, my mother sent me to the school gate. I went back three or three times to see if my mother was still there. From then on, I left my mother's warm embrace and ran to an important stage of my life��primary life. With no familiar companions, would the teacher be harsher than the kindergarten teacher, and he would have to sit straight in class, not run around like a kindergarten, thinking all the way, he went to the classroom door, the teacher stood smiling At the door, every classmate came to say hello to each other, and the mood suddenly eased a lot, and he raised his head and said with a smile: Good teacher! I entered the classroom to find my place, and my eyes circled around. I was pleasantly surprised to find that there were several kindergarten friends, who said happily to each other: Wow! It turns out we're in another class again! I'm so happy! At the same table with me, the classmates asked each other's name before and after, everyone soon became familiar with each other. Everyone whispered, full of curiosity about the new life. It makes me feel more happy in the next campus life! I love Chinese lessons. Why? Maybe the characters I wrote are a little nice. I use a sharpened pencil tip to write in the light green Tian grid, and try to make each stroke fall in the proper position of the Tian grid. It's a good job! Even the teacher praised the words I wrote to look good! In addition to the Chinese class, I also fell in love with the math class, haha, maybe no one loves school more than me? Why do I fall in love with maths? First of all, I count fast and the accuracy rate is high, almost every time I finish it first. And the teacher ��s lecture method is very attractive to me. I want to keep listening to why this is done, why this is the answer, why this is the answer. I always feel that time is fast, one class at a time. In the happy campus life, I also had many incidents. In a physical education class, we practiced running. When running in a competition, I ran and ran, and the shoes flew out along a parabola in the direction I ran. Seeing that the people behind me overtook and couldn't pick up the shoes. In the laughter of my classmates, I ran to the finish line with one foot high and one low foot. After reaching the finish line, some students helped me hand over my shoes, put on my shoes, and laughed myself, although in the end it ��s normal I didn't get to run fast when I was running fast, but this is also an exercise, isn't it? Another time, when class is over, usually a few of our classmates will play the game together. You chase after me, because it will not be very fast considering safety, but not as slow as a sloth. We evaded. As I moved towards the door, I looked back to see who he was chasing. When I got to the door of the classroom, I forgot to cross the threshold. I tripped over the threshold and fell to the ground. I've caught me at the door, and helped me check if I fell and I wasn't injured. Seeing me playfully blink at him, I immediately said loudly: You have been caught, you have lost. I suddenly felt like a deflated balloon. I knew I would pretend to be hurt. Anyway, there are still people who care about it Newport Cigarettes Coupons. I do n��t have to be left aside. When I remember these memories, my mouth is full of smiles. Happy childhood continues, I think when we reach the age of sunshine sister Wu Meizhen, we will still miss this happy campus life Cigarettes Online, happy childhood!
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Time is like an arrow, and the sun and the moon are like shuttles. "In an instant, I was promoted to the third grade and entered the graduating class. I came to this new school, which was a bit strange. The next door was a primary school. School, that carefree sixth grade. What impressed me the most was the campus in winter and the three-leaf lawn in summer Wholesale Cigarettes. Remember that winter in the sixth grade, it snowed a lot. After a class, it was thick. Bai Xue, stepping on a foot and making a creaking sound. Cedar is covered with snow layer by layer, and silver pine branches spread out around. With the bell of the class, the students flocked out of the classroom and came to the campus, in the snow Playing on the ground. If you want to walk across the campus, you must wear a hat, otherwise there will be a big snowball at any time, and then a cold snow will slide down the neck, can not help but let people There was a shudder Marlboro Lights. Others pressed the snow flat and slippery, slipping down from the top of the slope. The classmates were busy rushing to the classroom until the bell rang, and although their little hands were red, but All of them are very happy. In addition to the happiness in the snow, there are two three-leaf lawns on the playground. In the summer, the shamrocks flourish, and the green clover bushes hold large and small white flowers. After the physical education class, they are all in the clover bushes. "Treasure hunt": Some are looking for cricket insects, some are looking for clover, and some have found clover. The greatest fun hidden in the grass is playing and playing Online Cigarettes. Remember to study each night at night. All gathered here for fun, rolling along the lawn from that end to this end, and the leaves that were protruding upwards were crooked and softened. So here became a good place for wrestling, you chase after me ... Interesting. The green-green grass juice splashed into the mouth, it was a bitter taste. The smell of clover was everywhere in the air, but no one cared about the cheerful laughter on the campus. Cao Juli has fond memories. Now she is a graduating student and is studying hard every day. Only when I remember these nostalgic days, I ca n��t help but be happy. These precious Yi, is forever branded in my mind can not forget.
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The beauty in life can be seen everywhere, whether it is the eternal beauty, or the momentary beauty in the middle, it is enough to make your life unforgettable Newport 100S. Shot 1: Spring and spring, the grass protruded from the ground; the flowers swayed in the wind; another layer of tender green leaves was added to the willow. A few of our best friends have made an appointment to play together on Sunday. Walking on the turquoise grass seemed to blend into the embrace of spring. At this time, some people proposed to memorize the poems about Spring in turn, and those who could n��t memorize them would be punished. We all accepted them. "I don't know who cut out Xie Ye, and the February spring breeze is like scissors." I got up first, and everyone rushed back. Soon it was Xiaogang's turn. He meditated for a while and said, "Two yellow owls mingling and willows, and a line of egrets on 'Xitian." Laughed. Looking at Xiao Gang's blank face, I smiled and explained, "You turned" Qingtian "into" Xitian "." After hearing that, Xiaogang's face turned red. . The picture freezes. At that moment, under the blue sky and green grass, a group of teenagers talked and laughed. In retrospect, it was beautiful. Shot two: Summer and summer nights are fascinating. A long time ago, there were many fireflies on the summer night in my hometown Newport Cigarettes, flickering and flying under the clear night sky. They are beautiful, but I never capture them at will. I admire them for their freedom and unrestrained beauty But now, it is rare to see those beautiful fireflies. In the night sky, the flashes of fluorescent light are really a beauty unique to the countryside. Camera 3: Autumn and October are the season of sweet-scented osmanthus. The sweet-scented osmanthus opens in front of the door. The branches are densely packed with light yellow flowers, fragrant and refreshing. I stood in the yard with a touch of sorrow. At this time, someone handed me a cup of fragrant milk tea, and it goes without saying that I knew who it was: "Thank you, Mom." Mom stroked my head: "It's okay, I didn't do my best this time, and my dad was here I'm angry, just wait for him to dissipate. "I drank my milk tea, mixed with the aroma of osmanthus, and the milk tea was particularly sweet. The afterglow of the setting sun was beautiful, soft and gently covering us. I hugged my mother tightly, and my heart was warm. At that moment, I felt so happy and warm. Shot 4: Winter is here, and the area is white and white. Our family of four played a snowball fight in the yard, and everyone fired with all their strength, showing no sign of weakness, and having fun. Soon everyone was wearing a lottery. Dad took out his mobile phone and clicked, and took a picture of this warm and happy family of four. I am always so colorful and beautiful all year round. Every time I think about this beautiful moment, I ca n��t help but think. This moment is really beautiful
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