Natural color Everything in nature from ylq's blog

Natural color Everything in nature is beautiful: flowers, beauty in color; heaven, beauty in clarity; clouds, beauty in purity; mountains, beauty in the hustle and bustle. The beauty of nature stems from these beautiful scenery; the beauty of nature comes from these beautiful eternal. Lying on the grass, looking up at the sky stone first fun Marlboro Red 100S. Looking at the endless sky, a bird that flies occasionally, drifting past a white cloud, the sun is looming... In the summer evening, I always come alone to the lawn next to the yard to enjoy the beautiful scenery at dusk. - At the twilight, occasionally a few leaves fell, and there was a breeze blowing around them... and sitting on the hillside reading a book Carton Of Newports. I don't like to read books in the bookstore, but I like to bring a book I like, climb up the hill, and taste the meaning of the book on the hillside. When I look tired, I will stretch my eyes and look at the green. Trees and grass... eyes and mood are very comfortable. I never like insects. Because the insects are small, I am afraid that they bite me, and they often move on people to spit out the disgusting saliva. However, soon after, I gradually fell in love with them. It crawled slowly on the leaves, chewing on the green leaves, and showing a kind expression on the face, which is very flattering. How is grass strong and tenacious! No matter how ruthlessly we step on it, we can grow tender grass as long as it is watered by the rain Parliament Cigarettes. "The wildfire is not burning, the spring breeze is born again." I have thoroughly understood this sentence now! The lively and lovely fish is much loved by me. The crystal clear river always has a happy playful figure of the fish. They spit in the water and played freely in the creek Newport 100S. The people now are busy with work and have not appreciated her. friend! Stop and use your heart to feel the beauty of nature. She will help you eliminate fatigue and troubles and give you unlimited happiness.y to be happy�� has always been my motto. good mood, the darkness becomes bright, the panic becomes calm, the disappointment becomes self-confidence, and the silent heart is also ice cream in the summer, a warm blessing from a friend, a smile from the parents, and a word of encouragementd mood does not need to pray, it will appear when you need it most, and will accompany you through every spring, summer, autumn and winter.od is easy to get. It comes when you come, and you can leaveten complain: "Learning is too busy, bad mood." This is wrong. We are very busy, busy every day wearing stars and wearing a lot of money, but the busy study makes us have a happy, a good always busy sneaking. Several friends get together, chatting, shopping, and eating. But we still do not forget our mission, and afterwards, it is intense learning. We still have a good mood.od mood. Maybe you don't pay attention to it, maybe you have inadvertently got it to lose it, but it is really important to have a good mood. It will encourage you to do everything well and let go of any unpleasantness Cigarette Tobacco For is optimistic, and every day has a good mood, even if you have nothing, even if you only have one day of life, you are still rich. Because you have happiness.ife, all that is needed is a good 

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