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The aunt got esophageal cancer and died. She was only 48 years old when she left. At that time, I was in junior high school. In my eyes Cigarettes Online, the 48-year-old is already an old man. When the aunt had just swallowed, the cousin cried and rolled on the ground Marlboro Lights. The grandmother dragged her long cavity and cried. Some people advised her that the prince��s life had come and could not be stopped. It was just that the disease was not good. Can not drink, go to the underworld is a starving ghost, and then two months, look at the grandson is also worth. At that time, the cousin got married less than a year, and Tang��s uncle was a wooden man during pregnancy. When his aunt came out, he only silently shed tears. After burying the aunt, a man came home, and the uncle fell to the sea and cried. The initial crying was suppressed in the throat, and a stream was blocked in the rock. My father walked over and patted him on the shoulder, and his uncle��s crying suddenly broke out like a thunder. A year later, there was an enthusiastic person who saw the uncle's period of Ai Ai, a look of desolateness. After ten days and a half, he did not see him saying a word and asked him to find a wife. Rural people do not have much privacy, and it is also a big fan of marriage. On an autumn evening, the sun is like blood, and the sunset is red. A bunch of people are chatting in the field. Someone said to the uncle: "Silly heart, find a partner for you, the days are long, no one will talk to you, keep no You will be dumb. Uncle has no contact, his eyes flashed a glimmer of light, his face opened with a baby-like smile. Uncle is a stereotyped person, even with few words, not to mention a particularly rich expression Newport Cigarettes Coupons, In my memory, there has never been a smile of my uncle. At this moment, the smile of this moment, such as the scent of flowers, the matchmaker thinks that the uncle is recognized. It��s a big thing, the cousin is not willing to be a famous cousin Cheap Cigarettes. "Roots" is also a short-spoken person. There has never been a foundation for talking and doing things. Every word that is said is like a hard rock that has been thrown out. I heard that my father is looking for someone Newport Cigarettes, and he does not fight for one place. One day, At the dinner table, the cousin made a fuss: "There is still a face to eat, and if you don't find someone, you will die!" The cousin slammed the chopsticks on the table. "If you don't want to face, I won't recognize you this big!" "My uncle took a cousin and looked like a flame burning in his eyes: "No one said that Laozi shamelessly in his life..." Uncle was discouraged, his hands trembled, he fell off his rice bowl, and he slammed the table. I turned to the bottom of the day and I heard my father say that this was the only time when my uncle��s temper was released in the family��s grave. The place name was also called ��Yin Nest.�� It is said that more than 500 years ago, ��Yin The nest is called Yin Cao. Some ministers have built a ancestral hall here. There is a room in the ancestral hall dedicated to smashing silver. Later, the ancestral hall was destroyed by the fire. It was never rebuilt. It is said that the place name is too suffocating and simply called the yin nest. The Yinchao is only a stone's throw from the village. The cemetery is surrounded by wild eucalyptus and avocado trees. When the wind hits, there is a horrible rustling sound. One day, I pass through the graveyard and see my uncle sitting alone. Under a banyan tree, hands clasped in the sleeves, arms resting on the knees, hooked waist like a shrimp. I approached him: "Uncle, go back, it's cold." Uncle didn't look at me, and said coldly: "Don't listen to you, you rarely hear him, others pull home, and he quietly stays on the side as an audience." At the age of 73, he left. Before he died, he took my father's hand and said with breathlessness: "I can't make a trip in this life..." The words didn't finish, and I couldn't come out with a breath, my eyes turned, my head went, and I left. Uncle has been suffering from asthma since he was a child. He has been sick all his life and can't do his best. He is still a person who has died reading and reading a dead boo
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When the chrysanthemum is open, the pears are blooming. The blue sea and the waves of the birds are empty, the red waves and the white waves are blue, and the scent of the campus is swaying with the sound of green, "You are the April of the World", that is the light, that is, you are; the crown of the fresh flowers You wear; you are innocent, solemn; you are the full moon of the night. After the snow, the geese are yellow, you are like; fresh green buds, you are; tender, joyful water floats the white lotus you expect in your dreams. You are the blossom of a tree and a tree. It is the whisper of Yan between the beams. You are love, warm, and an article of poetry. You are the April, April, and April of the world. It is a beautiful day, shining, and clear. Lin Huiyin, one of the four beautiful women who are active in the literary world of China in the 1920s and 1930s, certainly does not lose the softness of the clothes. Of course, as an architectural artist, I am more rational and safe. The lotus lamp is light, her shadow is thin, and Zhimo even reprimands she can't bear it. Maybe she slipped when she turned, but left him with the decline of his life. "Liang Shangjunzi, Lin Xiamei." I always thought that because of the love of Liang Sicheng, the phrase "you are the unbearable weight of my life" is enough to convince me, but I ignored the latter sentence "I will pay you back with my life." It sounds more like a lost child who has done something wrong or after many twists and turns, finally found a person who can truly understand himself and made a heartfelt gratitude. This feeling seems to be the most meager, and the least concerned about Jin Yuelin, such a philosopher, really loves our emblem, and lives in the "forest". Where Lin Huiyin moved, Jin Yuelin will definitely appear in her neighbors, so she "lives" together and guards her lover. A lifetime poetry Chihiro Waterfall, the April of the World. 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She chose to leave, not to love, to love too much, and not to be hurt by the world. Xu Zhimo plane crashed, she cried into tears, more determined to get Zhimo's "Kangqiao Diary" from Ling Shuhua, only a faint explanation to satisfy curiosity, when she died, she invited Zhang Youyi to bring A Huan to In the hospital, she looked at the child, shook her head, and said weakly. In "Little Feet and Suit", Zhang Youyi said that although she married Liang Sicheng, he loves Shima and wants to see his children, hoping to find his shadow. Indeed, for love, she has the unique feeling of an ordinary woman. Compared with Zhang Ailing, Lin Huiyin is lucky. Perhaps this comparison is a kind of stupidity. Zhang Ailing once said that the long is the hardship, the short is the life. For Lin Huiyin, the short is life, the long is..., at this time, there is no word expression. Although it can withstand the cold and loneliness of academics, and suffers from the torment and poverty of poverty, it can be highly plucked, and the oil umbrella is praised by everyone, and it can be seriously ill. The ancient temple of the ancient temple examines the essence of the building, but she After all Carton Of Cigarettes, it is a woman who always feels that she has no happiness to say. Maybe she is strong, but for Shima, she should have something different. As a woman, she will not be a woman, she has her rare fraternity. Some people say that Shima is her reddest confidante, and I already think that he is the star that never falls in her emotional life Online Cigarettes. As she said, "You are the world of April." Love is not equal to life, true love. I was put in the place for his sake. Not only that, but love is also practical and grounded. 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Looking at this pervasive cleansing, I laughed, striding home, striding a few orange stalks in purple pots, I understand that the flower language is believed to have true love.
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