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We appreciate courage because it is a magic weapon to overcome difficulties. Without the courage to innovate, the Wright brothers would not invent an airplane; without the courage to dedicate, Li Shizhen would not be able to compile the Compendium of Materia Medica; Yuan Longping would not be the father of "hybrid rice" without the courage to break through. Did n��t they all rely on the invaluable spirit and perseverance of courage to realize their beautiful ideals? During class, every classmate raised their hands high when the teacher asked us questions, looking forward to the teacher Can call yourself. But I was still sitting still, thinking about the answer to the question repeatedly in my head, just without the courage to actively raise my hand to say the answer. Always worried about what if my answer is wrong? Result: I found my answer more complete and richer than theirs. If only I had this courage Marlboro Lights, how wonderful it would be! Well, the person who accepted the teacher ��s sweet smile and applauded eyes should be me Newport Cigarettes Coupons. Because of lack of courage Cigarettes Online, I lost the taste of trying many times successfully. Because of losing courage, I seemed a little inferior. I want to change myself and be a strong, confident little girl. In a math class, it is different from usual: there are other teachers in this class. So I started to get nervous again. Class begins. When we asked each other in a loud voice to the teacher, when I saw Mr. Dong, a math teacher who had taught us before, my mood suddenly opened up. I decided to do well in math class. When the teacher asked, "What methods can we use to solve the problem?" My arm suddenly seemed to have a strength, raising it high. The teacher said with a smile: "Well, Wang Selei, let's talk about it. I answered with a confident and full voice:" You can make a list, you can also use a stick to spell it. The teacher looked at me with satisfaction and then let me sit down. , I was secretly proud of myself. Next, the teacher's class was getting smoother and smoother. Although this little move is not as great as the Wright brothers. But having the courage in this class is a great improvement for me. What is courage? It is when you are afraid that it gives you strength. Courage, on the surface it is just two words with no temperature, but when you have it, it can emit amazing power. I have the courage, and I will be brave and take the lead in class. Only then would I raise my hand that I wanted to raise. So, I thank it for making me successful.
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September is already the autumn season, and the sky is raining lightly from time to time, and the cold wind blows ruthlessly through people's bodies, making people shiver. Maybe it was scared by the "abhorrent" rain in the last few days. People on the ground couldn't help expecting the warmth-the sun. The arrival of the sun will undoubtedly restore the liveliness and vitality of the past. This beam of sunlight is like a rainbow after the rain, like the warm embrace of a mother, and it is a brilliant pearl in the night. Although weak, it is enough to illuminate the world. Everyone's world is lit by that beam of sunlight. Where does it come from? Where are you going? It all depends on you. It is calling in your heart. The celebrities in ancient and modern times, both in China and abroad, gave them the conviction and gave them hope to live. Tanqian is an old talent in ancient China. One day, Tanqian felt unwell and fell asleep earlier than usual. He read books day and night, and went to sleep directly, but never expected that his 20 years of hard work, "Guo Yi", would be stolen. In order to complete this book Cheap Cigarettes, he abandoned sleep and forgotten food, endured many white eyes, and did not know how much suffering he experienced. Stolen! He was despondent at the time! No one had ever thought that Tan Qian ��stands up��! He turned his sorrow and anger into motivation, worked harder, and worked hard all day. When he was 60 years old, he finally completed this huge piece of manuscript Marlboro Lights, and "Guo Yi" was more accurate and complete than before. "Exhausted all my career, tears of tears, tears, spontaneous essays, and countless books." This is a picture of his life's struggle. Although Tan Qian has experienced many blows, he is still optimistic and aggressive in his struggle against fate. Shi Tiesheng is a special writer in the contemporary literary world. His legs are paralyzed and he has been ill for many years, but even this cannot resist his love of life, optimism and perseverance. He has been fighting with the sick, and in this living situation, he still insists on creating. It was because his mother gave him a pair of eyes that made him discover the sunlight in his heart and let him bloom in the autumn wind. These two celebrities also told me a truth: there will be many bumps and blows in a person's life, but As long as the heart is full of hope, the warm sunshine will disperse the cloud of despair.
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In everyone's life, there is an unforgettable companionship. Maybe there is your most important person there. Maybe there is your deepest memory. The mountain wind is still blowing slowly through the ear. This road has many twists and turns, but there are With your companionship, the road is no longer long and no longer far away. Although you are just a rubber tree, there are memories in my heart that I can't erase. On the land in your hometown, you are not the tallest tree, nor the most beautiful tree, but you are my favorite tree, because you have spent a long childhood with me. In the spring of childhood, you start to shoot, just like the new teeth that the baby just grew out, especially cute. I am running in the grass around you, wildflowers. Tired, lying under your feet to sleep, your bare roots are like natural pillows, pillows on it, looking at the blue fill-in, very comfortable. The summer of childhood, the special heat, remember those tireless knowing birds, all day long on the branches of yours, a whole summer. You are a natural umbrella, I come under you again and enjoy the shade of that season. In the fall of childhood Marlboro Cigarettes, in the flying dead leaves, my happiness is under your body, becoming long and tall. In winter Marlboro Lights, the snow is heavy, and you changed it from brown to white. My friends and I are playing around you. I am hiding behind you. You don��t know how many white snowballs are blocked for me. But now, you have been cut down Cigarettes For Sale, and the short stumps have only a ring of pale rings, which is the trace of your existence. But you are in my memory, never forget, never fade. Because your soul has never left, silently guarded here, but silently, now, every time I pass through the New Year, I will gently smear the dust and leaves on your stump. I always think that you will come back, start with a new, tender life, and then accompany me all year round. I will grow into a tree like you, when I am happy, give birth to the world, and give the world a cool; When you are sad, the leaves are given to a poem in the world. Even if I was cut to make wood, I would be willing.
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Your feelings may be slow, but goodness will never be absent. Dad��s career is the hardest, but it takes more labor to hold a meager salary. It is said that the most common one is that there will always be an irregular time difference within one month. Maybe the day before yesterday is the morning shift, and today I changed the night shift. But my father has always insisted on sending me to school. I also said that I can go to school by myself, but he is not at ease. That's it, send me at six in the morning and pick me up at four in the afternoon Newport 100S. The only mistake was that Dad was wrong. I sat in my dad's colleague's shop for a second. I suddenly realized that the time of waiting for someone always went so slowly. Later, my father finally came, and when I got into the car, I accidentally saw my father's dark circles: the dark circles under the eyes were so big Online Cigarettes. It turns out that as my father's skin becomes darker and darker, the dark circles are so hard to detect, just like his concern for me, accompanied silently. Inadvertently, I seem to feel the breath of fatherly love. I always admire the beauty that others have, but always forget that what I have is what others don't have. One day, he looked at the child who was standing at the school gate waiting for the parents I looked at it. Oh, it turned out to be the daughter of my dad and colleague. Dad said: "Her family is estimated to have forgotten to pick up the big child, you call to shout." I responded and pulled her in. This is the Nth time she made a ride. It seems that his family is busy and can't get away. There is also a small kindergarten in the family. My father immediately called her family and was afraid of others. When I asked, I knew that her family had not yet gone out. After I knew it, I discovered that my father��s memory was so ��good�� and often forgot where my jacket was last year. I often forgot what I sneaked in. I often forgot my birthday. ...but what he has never forgotten is - the time I go to school, the time after school. Inadvertently, this beautiful and dull, I found that the beautiful feeling may only be reflected in the ordinary little things, but it will make you more passionate about this ordinary life.
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Youth is the trajectory of life. Purify the soul, it is precious to yourself. To see the world, the world is small. With the heart and mind of the world, the world is big. Life is a journey, and the result is important, but the process is more important. The result is a summary of the process, but the process is the interpretation of the essence of life. Youth, the wonderful process of life journey, can be leisurely, or it can be a long-term, can be strong, can be weak, can also be vigorous. What you have experienced is unforgettable. Young and frivolous, youthless priceless treasure. Do not bother with worry, old and healthy. Looking for the trajectory of youth, you will find many things that you have never discovered, perhaps you have seen them, but never noticed, never , boating; maternal love perseverance, no regrets, maternal love often exceeds the blood, creating a miracle. A ruined mother did not hesitate to donate her kidney to a son suffering from uremia; another mother adopted a child with a cerebral palsy, not only as a self-explanatory Cigarettes For Sale, but also ignored the doctor��s assertion, let the iron tree The flower has been opened, so that the children of low-energy and mentally handicapped have also been admitted to the higher school Carton Of Cigarettes. The eyes of the children are always in the most beautiful distance. The thought, and never noticed. How caterpillars turn into beautiful butterflies, how honey bees collect, why people get older, and some natural laws that you never perceive. After observing these, you must have some feelings: If we go to find the trajectory of youth earlier, we will find out how happy youth is, discover how beautiful youth is, how free is youth, how much youth is. valuable. youth! Give life unlimited and powerful vitality. Youthful vitality Newport Cigarettes, youthful vitality, youth is so good! There is only one youth in each person's life. We must grasp this unique opportunity to shine, realize ourselves, and witness ourselves. Work hard and be brave. In this process, we will certainly experience some setbacks and failures. Failure is the mother of success. As long as we firmly believe in it, we will succeed in the juvenile and have no ambitions. The blood in youth is only for the sake of fame and fortune. Wolong Zhuge, Tang Wang Shimin, Jiang Dong Zhou Lang. Youthful, it��s not a dragon sword, and it��s like a journey full of surprises. Youth is the most exciting part of this journey! May youth be like a flower, open in the hearts of each of us. Let us go together to find the trajectory of youth and realize the value of youth.
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Persistence is the inexhaustible driving force of the fish to go upstream; insisting is the correct way for the butterfly to break through; insisting is the stubborn perseverance of the stream flowing to the river; the dream is wonderful because of persistence. "Fast, faster, the last two laps!" The physical education teacher screamed exhaustedly. From the first step of the 800-meter race to the last step, it was so difficult. "800 meters is an important training program, we must practice it!" With the increase of the number of laps, the passage of time, under the scorching sun, our classmates sway their own sweat, 800 meters can be our goal. "There is still a circle, think about the Red Army's 25,000-mile long march, think about the marathon race. Come on! You can't stop halfway, you must persist." I motivate myself to start, long-distance running is persistence, perseverance. Since the three laps have persisted, what is impossible on the fourth lap! One step, two steps... Both hands try to swing, and both feet try to move forward, and the remaining strength in the body will be maximized in the last 50 meters. Looking back, I have reached the end. Dreams - wonderful because of persistence. Entering the third day, the time is tight, the task is heavy, and there seems to be only a little interval between classes and classes. The heart, becoming impetuous, even once to spread the hand, want to give up, imagine the wild horses to break free from the shackles of the reins, and follow the tide, free to hire. So my mother advised me to go to my hometown to live for a while. Sit on the bench and enjoy the peace and quiet that you can't have. Suddenly, a black creature in the corner caught my eye. Oh, it turned out to be a spider. The spider slowly moved and slowly woven on the net of only three wires. "Hey--" a gust of wind blew, like a pair of scissors, cutting three wires into two, only one of which was stubbornly supported there Marlboro Red, seemingly unable to support the weight of the spider, and was crumbling. I couldn't help but squeeze a sweat. But this spider did not give up, but continued to spit, one, two, three... gradually woven into a majority of the net. I know that it is silently persisting, not afraid of the wind, stubbornly persisting. Since the spider can persist, I will certainly be able to persist and spend the short time in the middle school without regret, and enter the high school of my dream Marlboro Gold. Dreams - wonderful because of persistence. Every drop of sweat is shackled by persistence; every cultivation is harvested by persistence; every success is presented by persistence. [Part 2] How high the sky is, just fly up to know how far the dream is, and see it when you walk over! ����Inscriptions Everything in the world has dreams. The dream of flowers is to bloom beautiful flowers. The dream of birds is to soar in the sky, the dream of the stream flows into the sea, and everything in the world has dreams. As long as you persist, your dreams will be beautiful! On a rainy day, I saw my own unsatisfactory test paper, and I was in a bad mood. Going to the open space in front of the house, I saw the flowers and plants planted by my mother, and looked down casually, how long is the Guangyulan long! Clear and translucent, like a small waterdrop, it makes people feel cute. Look at the spider plant, hanging so long, it is amazing. I couldn��t help but see a few weeds under the water pipe, ah! It looks so strong! Can't help but cause my curiosity to rain, the grass is pressed through, lower...lower...the lower...I think in my heart: cut, and my situation is not the same! In the end, I was afraid that even the stems would be broken Wholesale Cigarettes... I didn��t want to stop looking anymore, turned my head, went back to the house, pressed my test paper under the book, fell down, fell asleep... I dreamed of my future self in my dreams. No work, nothing to do all day, was disgusted... Then I was awakened, and when I woke up, I thought about the various situations in my dreams and couldn��t help but shudder. Looking up the window, the rain stopped... I looked curiously through the window to the weeds! After the baptism of heavy rain, they seem to be more vigorous than the original, and its shaking is growing in the cracks. My heart is greatly shocked. Those weeds can not give up growing. Should I give up? Is it because of this small setback... No! No! I want to insist! I took out the test paper and analyzed it carefully... I thought to myself: Fortunately, I did not give up! Everything in the world has dreams. As long as you persist, your dreams will be wonderfully beautiful!
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