ylq's blog

Today, our school launched an interesting activity "flea market", which is to bring all the books that have been read at home to auction and learn from each other. After lunch, several classmates and I started to prepare and planned a sales plan. When we came to the playground, the playground was already full of classmates, and we finally had a place on the lawn. From a market perspective Online Cigarettes, although our stall is not good, but I am very confident to run our stall. We put the books up and put beautiful gifts on each book to attract customers' attention Cigarettes Online. The auction officially started, and several of our classmates worked hard, first trying to shout "Take a look, take a look, don't miss it when you walk through ..." when we learned from TV Carton Of Cigarettes. With a shout, a customer came, turned over, turned over, shook his head, frowning away; the customer's move made me realize that the customer came to treat the customer as God, and to welcome him with a smile Just thinking about this, our customer Mr. Zhao is here. I immediately smiled and went up to explain our "commodities" for her. She took a copy of "Idiom Story" and asked, "How do you sell this book!" Before waiting for me to speak, Wang Junyi couldn't wait to say "20 yuan". Teacher Zhao frowned and said, "So expensive! Are you selling for 2 yuan?" I quickly hurry up and say, "Mr. Zhao! You really can Bargain! I think so, you are our first customer, give you a 50% discount, what do you think? "Teacher Zhao smiled, and put it out and said:" 8 yuan is not sold? "Listen At this point, I deliberately put on a look of painful love: "Okay! 8 yuan is 8 yuan, The first business do not plan to make money, Figure auspicious. " Finally the first business was completed, and we almost danced with joy. Next, we have confidence, and the business will be much smoother. Seeing that our goods are in short supply, I quickly consulted with my partners, leaving one person to guard the booth, and I went out to "wholesale" with others, and the partners all said after listening Agree, we immediately set off our respective tasks. I first came to the market to take a turn, to understand the market ��s tight books, and I started to approve a few books. Sure enough, I just got back and approved the book. I have n��t reached our booth yet. I was sold out. Although the effect was minimal this time, it was the first pot of gold that I personally managed. After all, I was so happy that I heard the market activity on the radio is about to end. I hurried to the stall and watched on the road When I went to several other partners, each of them held a few books from the wholesale market, and ran to me with sweat, and said breathlessly: "Wang Jin, the activity is almost over. What do you do with this book?" "Don't worry, we all went to the door to sell separately." They heard me say it, they got excited, and hurried to go to a crowded place. The event was over, and I realized the purpose of this event, mainly It is to allow students to have an interaction and communication with each other. During the interaction, students can reflect a market atmosphere and competition, let everyone use their brains, and surpass others in fierce competition. In learning, we must draw all the knowledge from the books into our minds as our "commodities", use our "commodities" to create wealth, and achieve something that can be done for human beings.
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It's snowing and it's cold. When I ride a bike, I always shrink my hands into my sleeves, and wrap my handle around my handlebars. I also bought gloves at home, but I was too lazy to wear them. I used to wear gloves while riding, and those were all woven by my mother. When I was in the second and third grades of elementary school, my mother liked knitting sweaters, trousers, scarves, scarves, gloves and the like during farming. My mother likes scarves and scarves, my father likes sweaters, and my favorite is gloves. Of course, my mother also knits sweaters for me. The patterned sweater I am wearing now is made by my mother. I remember that the gloves my mother knitted at first were not very good-looking, the style was simple, and the colors were monotonous. However, I feel very warm and dirty, and it is suitable for me to play with my friends. Mother is very good at learning. As long as she sees the sweaters and gloves worn by others, she will look at them and ask questions carefully. Mother is smart, sensible, and learns fast. Later, the glove style I knitted was much more beautiful, and there were also patterns such as small flowers and puppies. This makes me like my mother's gloves even more. My mother knits gloves for me and never measures my hands; knits sweaters for me and never measures my waist. But the knitted gloves are fitting, and the knitted sweater is fitting. In the past, I often saw one of my mother's movements when weaving clothes: weaving for a while, holding it in front of you, looking at it for a while, and then weaving. I don't know if this is the reason why my mother can weave out fit clothes without measuring. In the past two years, my mother has become unwieldy because of too much housework. But I can still remember her expression when weaving, especially when a piece of clothing is woven Marlboro Red, and a smile will appear on my face from time to time. I want to come now, she might not help laughing when she imagined me or my dad wearing or wearing it. My mother's eyes were particularly focused when she was weaving clothes, and she saw the two needles that were one foot long. They were worn and worn, and nothing else. Sitting on the side, I sometimes dazzled. Now think about the mother who was really an artist at that time. What did she woven for me and my dad not art? Since I saw my mother knitting things, I felt itchy and wanted to learn. One day, when my mother knits gloves, I will sit next to it and take advantage of it. I said to my mother: "Mom, I want to give it a try too." Then he took the needle in her hand. My mother's face sank: "Go, how can a boy learn? While playing!" Looking at her mother's disgusted eyes and gloomy face, I had to run away in vain Carton Of Cigarettes. Since then, I never thought of learning anything to weave. In elementary school, in winter, I would wear my mother's gloves to ride a bike to school Cigarettes For Sale. When I arrived in the class, I often saw several classmates throwing their schoolbags on the table as soon as they entered the class. They stretched out their hands frozen like red shrimp and prawns. I will proudly stretch out the gloved gloves with beautifully patterned hands, and slowly stretch out a lazy waist, both hands draw a "heart" shape in the air. At that time, I did n��t mention how proud I was. Before, my mother wore a lot of pairs of gloves, big and small, and there were one pair left last year. Unfortunately, this summer was bitten by rats. Now I would rather use the sleeves to wrap the handlebars than wearing the gloves I bought. I always feel that they are not good.
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Who is my enemy? Don't sell you a pass, I tell you straight away, my enemy is my mother! You will be curious: if you made a mistake, why did your mother love you so much? Hey, this is a long story, and listen to me slowly. My mother loves nagging so much that you have to lay out your words in front of everything Marlboro Gold, as if I am a baby who knows nothing. After getting up in the morning, I haven't waited for me to get up. Listen, the high-decibel voice across the wall has come to call the bed: "I can't get up, the sun is drying my ass. I'm late to ask Marlboro Lights." The door sounded "DongDongDong", knocking people out of panic. Finally, there was a shout in the kitchen: "Hurry up and wash, and the meal will be ready soon!" Well, I had to wash my face and brush my teeth. But because I was too flustered, I didn't know what the breakfast tasted like. The next step is to send me to school. This is a torment for me, of course, not because of traffic jams, but because of my mother's constant nagging. "Hey, have you completed your homework? By the way, did you wear your school uniform. Well, did I sign the small book?" "Mother, are you tired? Can you take a break? When I arrived at school, my troubled morning was relieved. Going home from school in the afternoon is also a headache Cigarettes For Sale. "Small, what are your homework today, please show your little book to your mother. Oh, okay, not much homework. Then do it quickly, finish early and rest early. By the way, what do you want to eat at night? Babao porridge Drink it? By the way, your mother bought you fritters. Although the fritters are delicious, but ... "Oh maca, my ears are going to grow old. In fact, these normal behaviors are nothing. Once I make a mistake, Well, God, Tang Seng is reborn. That time I took the exam, because I missed a question, I was drowned by my mother's spit star. I saw my mother's big hand holding the roll tightly, trembling, while staring at the beads and looking at me, while gnashing his teeth and saying to me: "You, you, you, have long eyes? How can you see such a big question Didn't you see? ... "I was greeted by a 30-minute speech baptism. After my mother said I was tired, I had already got into the sofa and didn't want to get up. Hey, this is my nagging mother. But do you know? Without my mom, I'm not at ease in my heart!
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We grew up from a baby in babies to a baby who learns babbling, and then to a student who is now in the flower season, and there will never be a lack of parental companionship around us. In the process of growing up, we depend on our parents, who grow up with us. When I was in sixth grade, I always kept reviewing every evening to prepare for the first grade. After dinner every day, I got into the room after taking a shower Every night, my house was quiet. Mom and Dad are careful about what they do. I ��m afraid I ��ll accidentally bother me. Only when I go to the toilet, my mother will quickly pour a glass of milk on my table, and then go out quietly. Whenever I picked up that cup of warm milk, there was always a trace of warmth in my heart Marlboro Lights. What impressed me most was that night. It was a winter night, because there were more homework, so when I finished my homework and opened the door, the hallway was already dark. When I crept to wash, there was a "snap" sound and the living room light turned on, mom Came over and said to me: "Go to bed, it's too late." I nodded, and suddenly saw my dad sitting on the living room sofa and dozing little by little, the TV was showing his favorite There was no sound in the basketball game. My eyes are hot, and I understand that this is the silent company of parents. Accompanying, also hidden in a piano song. When I asked my mother to learn piano, my mother agreed in less than a second Marlboro Cigarettes. Since then, every Sunday, regardless of the sun and rain, my mother will take me on time It was sent to the piano shop. During the time the teacher taught me, she always moved a stool and sat quietly in the back. Sometimes she took out a book to help me write down some of the teachers' suggestions and requirements. When I popped a complete piano song for the first time, my mother's happy expression was still imprinted in my mind. She never missed any of my performances. She was also my most loyal audience. Companionship is the warmest love. It allowed me to grow up vigorously and healthily, and it also taught me to accompany. On the road of growth, the cup of warm milk on the study table, the silent TV set, the little bench always behind me, the companion named "Love", I think, all my life will not forget.
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