數位貨幣相關(Cryptocurrency) | 討論區

討論區首頁 » General » 數位貨幣相關(Cryptocurrency)
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中國關閉與加密貨幣相關的微信公眾號,還禁止舉辦加密貨幣活動 - 97 Last_reply by Guangyaw Oct 4 '18
泰國央行打算發行自己的加密貨幣 - 107 Last_reply by Guangyaw Oct 4 '18
微信支付與支付寶嚴格禁止加密貨幣交易 - 93 Last_reply by Guangyaw Oct 2 '18
京東釋出自家開放區塊鏈平臺智臻鏈,推動區塊鏈即服務 - 98 Last_reply by Guangyaw Oct 2 '18
區塊鏈或加密貨幣有多夯!? 研究:全球前50大學有21所設有課程 - 97 Last_reply by Guangyaw Oct 2 '18
Fintech周報第67期 : 渣打銀行合作西門子,以區塊鏈提升銀行擔保流程效率 - 110 Last_reply by Guangyaw Oct 2 '18
加密貨幣廣告政策鬆綁,Google允許合法交易所在美國與日本刊登廣告 - 94 Last_reply by Guangyaw Oct 2 '18
以太坊之父:區塊鏈千倍成長機會不會再有了,現在該專注於真實區塊鏈應用了 - 108 Last_reply by Guangyaw Oct 1 '18
區塊鏈如何打造未來經濟新藍圖 - 101 Last_reply by Guangyaw Sep 15 '18
北醫轉診病歷區塊鏈應用上線,小診所也能即時查詢病患全病歷 - 124 Last_reply by Guangyaw Sep 15 '18
IBM的區塊鏈技術可以有效防止金融犯罪 - 127 Last_reply by Guangyaw Sep 15 '18
以太坊之父:區塊鏈千倍成長機會不會再有了,現在該專注於真實區塊鏈應用了 - 125 Last_reply by Guangyaw Sep 15 '18
Shipping Giant Maersk Deploys First Blockchain-based Marine Insurance - 146 Last_reply by Guangyaw Jun 2 '18
Korea’s Biggest Cryptocurrency Exchange Bans Trading in 11 Countries - 149 Last_reply by Guangyaw Jun 2 '18
Poloniex Responds to Frozen Accounts Complaints - 134 Last_reply by Guangyaw Jun 2 '18
IOTA & United Nations Agency Partner for Blockchain Transparency - 143 Last_reply by Guangyaw Jun 2 '18
Monero Unveils Tari - A Second-Layer Protocol - 129 Last_reply by Guangyaw Jun 2 '18
American Express Upgrades Rewards Program with Blockchain - 135 Last_reply by Guangyaw Jun 2 '18
Coinbase Is Rebranding Its Crypto Exchange Service - 150 Last_reply by Guangyaw Jun 1 '18
Marshall Islands To Use Crypto As Their National Currency - 114 Last_reply by Guangyaw Jun 1 '18
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