IOTA & United Nations Agency Partner for Blockchain Transparency | 討論區

Guangyaw Jun 2 '18

IOTA & United Nations Agency Partner for Blockchain Transparency

United Nations Agency Partner (UNOPS) and the cryptocurrency startup IOTA have announced a partnership that aims to help UNOPS benefit from IOTA's blockchain and Tangle technologies to improve processes and eliminate the need of middle-men. Yoshiyuki Yamamoto, UNOPS Special Advisor on Blockchain Technology, said: 

“We share a vision where machines, devices, sensors and people connect and communicate to each other — it’s the world of ‘Industry 4.0.’ Harnessing technology that allows for these processes to work simultaneously, without the need for intermediaries, will help expedite our mission as an organization.”

Read more here

聯合國機構合作夥伴(UNOPS)和加密貨幣創業公司IOTA宣佈建立夥伴關係,旨在幫助項目廳從IOTA的區塊鍊和Tangle技術中受益,以改善流程並消除對中間人的需求。 聯合國項目廳區塊鏈技術特別顧問Yoshiyuki Yamamoto說:
“我們分享機器,設備,傳感器和人員彼此連接和溝通的願景 - 這是'工業4.0'的世界。利用允許這些流程同時工作而不需要中介機構的技術將有助於加速我們的工作 作為一個組織的使命。“
