American Express Upgrades Rewards Program with Blockchain | 討論區

Guangyaw Jun 2 '18

American Express Upgrades Rewards Program with Blockchain

Yesterday, American Express publicly announced a partnership with the digital retailer Boxed, aiming to integrate blockchain into its rewards program. The company will leverage the Hyperledger to let merchants create custom Membership Rewards programs for American Express cardholders. Marc Gordon, AmEx's Chief Information Officer, said:

"We're excited to join Hyperledger, as we're looking to take full advantage of blockchain to deliver new and innovative products for our customers and partners, while transforming existing business processes and applications."

Read more here

昨天,美國運通公開宣布與數字零售商Boxed建立合作夥伴關係,旨在將區塊鏈整合到其獎勵計劃中。 該公司將利用Hyperledger讓商家為美國運通卡持卡人創建定制的會員獎勵計劃。 AmEx首席信息官Marc Gordon表示:
