Monero Unveils Tari - A Second-Layer Protocol | 討論區

Guangyaw Jun 2 '18

Monero Unveils Tari - A Second-Layer Protocol

Last Wednesday, Monero has introduced a brand new second-layer protocol that is being developed, called Tari. Tari is an open-source project that will reportedly allow developers to program and issue non-fungible assets and concert tickets over the blockchain and allow users to decide on the level of privacy that they desire for their transactions as well. Project co-founder Naveen Jain stated:

"Tari will fundamentally change the way we interact with digital assets. We are building an amazing team to steward the most useful decentralized platform in existence, empowering anyone to issue, manage, use and transfer their digital assets.”

Read more here

Monero推出Tari - 第二層協議
上週三,Monero推出了一種全新的第二層協議,稱為Tari。 Tari是一個開源項目,據報導允許開發者在區塊鏈上編排和發布不可互換的資產和演唱會門票,並允許用戶決定他們希望進行交易的隱私級別。 項目聯合創始人Naveen Jain表示:
