Poloniex Responds to Frozen Accounts Complaints | 討論區

Guangyaw Jun 2 '18

Poloniex Responds to Frozen Accounts Complaints

Last week, cryptocurrency exchange Poloniex received many complaints by its clients about their legacy accounts being frozen for not being verified on the exchange. Yesterday, the exchange answered to its clients saying that the issue was being caused by recent updates on the onboarding and identity verification processes, assuring that the users' funds remain safe. On an official Twitter post, the company stated:

"Some of you have raised questions about recent updates to our onboarding and identity verification processes. Rest assured your funds are safe, and please see our product update with more detail on next steps"

Read more here

上週,加密貨幣交易所Poloniex收到客戶的很多投訴,他們的遺留賬戶因未在交易所驗證而被凍結。 昨天,交易所回答客戶說,這個問題是由最近更新的入職和身份驗證流程造成的,確保用戶的資金安全。 在官方推特上,該公司表示:
