Shipping Giant Maersk Deploys First Blockchain-based Marine Insurance | 討論區

Guangyaw Jun 2 '18

Shipping Giant Maersk Deploys First Blockchain-based Marine Insurance

Shipping company Maersk has deployed the first blockchain platform for marine insurance named Insurwave, a joint venture between Guardtime, a software security provider, and Ernst & Young, an accounting firm. The company's Head of Risk and Insurance, Lars Henneberg, said that moving to the blockchain has helped to automate manual processes and reduce inefficiencies for the company.

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航運公司Maersk已經部署了第一個海事保險區塊鏈平台,名為Insurwave,這是一家軟件安全提供商Guardtime與會計師事務所Ernst&Young的合資企業。 該公司的風險與保險負責人Lars Henneberg表示,轉向區塊鏈有助於實現手動流程的自動化,並降低公司的低效率。
