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o. 3 Xu Xiaoqi , And took her work to the stage. "When I heard the host report my name, I was stunned. What should I do? What should I do? I wasn't ready yet! At that time, I felt like I had a deer in my heart. By the way, Lin Haiyin said, no matter what difficult things, as long as you do it daringly, you will break through. Having said that, you still have to be nervous. After saying "Hello everybody, my name is Xu Xiaoqi", I was so nervous that I forgot what to say next. I looked at the so many judging teachers and participating students under the stage with anticipating eyes. I was at a loss. I tried to make After calming down for a long time, I finally started to talk tremblingly <a href="">Cigarettes For Sale</a>, with a trembling in it, and even I did n��t want to believe that this was my speech, and the words I spoke had no confidence. I saw the judge ��s teacher ��s The expression, my heart was even more blank, and my brain began to be blank again. I forgot what I should say next, oh my god ... I forgot the speech. The audience and the audience were silent <a href=""></a>, and time seemed to be there. Froze. I was extremely embarrassed. "Time is up, go on. "The judge's voice came from my ears. Sunshine always writes 800 words after the wind and rain" "Sunshine is always after the wind and rain, please believe there is a rainbow ..." Whenever I hum this well-known song, I will think of Helen Keller , Zhang Haidi and other great heroes with disabilities and a tough heart. Once I was idle, I took a complete A4 paper and folded a happy paper plane. I I expected it to fly high and far, but the result was very different. No matter how hard I tried to toss, this plane was just falling down in front of my eyes. After being disappointed, I took a piece of broken paper in hand, again I folded a "missing card" paper plane and wanted to compare it with the happiness plane. In fact, I already had the answer in my mind. How can a broken paper folded plane be compared with a complete paper folded plane? Isn't it a world of difference between the two? Looking at the lacking plane in front of me, I threw it out boringly. Unexpectedly, it quickly drew my eyes to a height of a few meters away. Fly higher and farther I opened my mouth in surprise, watching the lack of the plane thrown into the mother's arms of the blue sky, I was shocked and happy in my heart. The very different fate of the two small paper planes, I couldn't help but make my prediction shocked, it also triggered I think deeply about life. The "happiness card" paper plane is like a happy family, a pair of healthy limbs and a smooth life; and the "missing card" paper plane symbolizes a broken Family, a crippled limb and a bumpy life. The conditions God created for some people were not so superior and happy, but they used tenacious will to overcome all kinds of difficulties and ushered in tomorrow and hope <a href="">Marlboro Lights</a>. On the contrary Yes, although some people have perfect conditions, they are willing to degenerate and do not ask for progress. Finally, they are waiting for the ending of "the boss is sad". This reminds me of myself: if I have encountered such difficulties, I What would you do? Choose to escape and be a coward; or bravely face the reality and face the difficulties? The answer is obvious, because the results obtained by these two attitudes are diametrically opposed. Reality is in front of our eyes, whether it is optimistic and upright, or pessimistic and negative attitudes to resist, the decision is in our hearts. The fate of two paper planes is like life in reality. It makes me I remembered a sentence that Marx said: "Life is like an ocean, and only strong-willed people can reach the other side. "How can we welcome the bright sunshine and the gorgeous rainbow without the baptism of the storm?<br/>Related articles:<br/> <a href="">Newport Cigarettes</a>

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Girl Chun came to the world quietly with sweet rain dew and green vitality. The earth gradually woke up from a deep sleep, and the grass was replaced with the new green clothes made by the mother of the earth. You see, that soft hair flutters with the breeze, as if welcoming spring. With the arrival of spring Cheap Cigarettes, the cute little swallows also flew back from the south in threes and fives. Blue sky and white clouds, what a beautiful sky! Little swallows are flying happily. Suddenly, Xiaofang felt her eyes light up. She saw a beautiful little house and hurriedly said to Xiaohua flying next to her, "Hey, look at that beautiful little house. We are right there Let's settle down! "Xiaohua nodded and agreed. So they leaned on the other little swallows and flew towards the little house. This is a small house in a village. Xiaofang and Xiaohua flew around the house and decided to stay. They immediately started making nests. Xiaohua grabbed a pile of dirt, but hurriedly found some branches. Xiao Fang was also too busy to deal with each other: he flew to the field to help get the soil; he flew to the tree to build a nest Newport Cigarettes. Bean-sized sweat beads dripped from their foreheads, but they didn't care about wiping them. They are building a beautiful homeland wholeheartedly. After a busy day, in the evening, a beautiful and sturdy home was presented in front of them. Looking at the beautifully built new home, the two of them laughed heartily for a few days and passed on from there. There was a burst of "chirping" cheers. Guess what this is for? It turned out that Xiao Fang gave birth to a litter of little swallows, so that Xiaohua often teased his babies to play. No, just now their family was playing hide-and-seek again. The little guys turned the house upside down and made a mess. Xiaofang scolded them loudly. It ��s fun to have more people in the family, but when there are more people, there are more mouths and more food Carton Of Cigarettes. As a result, Xiaohua and Xiaofang were busy, and the babies were hungry all day long, and they had to take turns to find something to come back to eat for the babies. How time flies! In a blink of an eye, a few months have passed, and the little swallows are almost as old as their parents. Today, the little swallows want their parents to catch insects for them to eat. This time, my father and mother did not agree, and Xiao Fangyu said to them seriously: "Children, you are all grown up, you can no longer rely on your father and mother, you must learn to live independently. Today, let you find something to eat, okay "Yes!" The little swallows said in unison. So the mother again sang some things they should pay attention to, the little swallows can't wait to spread their young wings and fly to the blue sky. The cute little swallow adds a lot of life to the blue sky.
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A thousand-year-old ancient well is engraved with the two words "frog house", and the little frog family has lived here for generation X. I remember when my grandfather died, he called his father and his dad to his side Newport Cigarettes, and repeatedly told me: after my death, you should never step out of the well Wholesale Cigarettes, remembering the ancient lesson of our frog family: the well-known frog in ancient and modern times, generations Anjule knows no boundaries. The world laughs and we have a shallow eye. I laugh that the world is too adventurous. My dad has lived his whole life. Only once secretly climbed up the fence and glanced out Marlboro Red. When he came back, he was counted by grandpa for several days. He kept whispering in his ears! Since then, he still sits on the sky and never dares to spy on the outside world! He is afraid that Grandpa Thunder will be angry and punish himself. But quack is a very restless little frog, he dreams day by day, full of curiosity about the outside world, and wants to explore. So, while Dad was asleep, he wrote a message: "Dear Dad: Your son is determined to go out into the world, lest he be described as a lonely frog in the bottom of the well. Rest assured, I believe I will live It's very good. "Quietly, he quietly took an ancestral high-powered telescope and climbed up the tall railing. It just backed away, its eyes wide, and looked out of the telescope. Wow, quack! What kind of world is this? The sky is vast above the head, the earth beneath the feet, and the vast sea in the distance ... �� And there are countless high-rise buildings, full of traffic, endless streams�� I am immersed in the scenery in front of me, and I see myself beside me. There are many people in the third and third floors, and I am puzzled. This group of people spoke. "Wow, isn't this the well-known frog at the bottom of the well? We would like to invite you to be the spokesperson of the frog brand mosquito repellent ..." No, our national swimming team is short of a breaststroke coach, and I have long wanted to invite you to go wherever you go! "" Slow, You are a famous singer. Thousands of celebrities are waiting for you to make a wonderful appearance! "" No, Professor Qiao, our farm is waiting for you to teach you the ancestral trick to catch insects! Because people no longer want to eat pesticides. Vegetables and fruits. "Why did you think you would receive such a warm courtesy? It can't help but be ashamed of the grandfather who arrogantly respects the sky. But, who is the best to listen to? What a dilemma, can you think of the best of both worlds for it? It ��s a good idea, but anyway, when I go to see the frog house that is famous for thousands of years, I can no longer see a frog at the bottom of the well.
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My mother told me from a young age, we must have a good habit, this will benefit all my life. At that time, I was very young, and I didn't understand anything. I just said, "Oh, I know. I will listen to you, rest assured!" Obviously, when I said this, I was right and wrong. But now, when I grow up, I understand what my mother meant when I was a child, and I understand what the so-called good habits mean. When we go to school, we have to listen to the teacher, listen to the class, and don't talk; when we're off the class, we have to observe discipline, don't talk in the hallway, don't go crazy and mess up; after school, go with the queue, don't fall behind ... . These are our good habits. Good habits need to be developed from an early age and grow up. Don't say you don't want to change, you just can't change it. Bacon once said: "habit is the master of life, people should strive to pursue good habits." Indeed, behavior habits are like compasses on us, guiding the actions of every student. Throughout history, everyone who succeeds has long-term persistence of good behaviors Newport 100S, develops habits, and forms nature. When he was a child, Mr. Lu Xun developed the habit of not being late. He demanded that he seize the time and tell him to do everything at all times, so it would become a habit to stick to it for a long time. This writer who "traveled his life after trotting" has left brilliant achievements in the literary history of China and the world Carton Of Cigarettes, and has become one of the ten literary writers in the world. It can be seen that behavior habits play a decisive role in a person's qualities in all aspects, especially for our elementary school students. Some people will say, how do you form good habits? I am so old, there is no need to develop good habits. If you think so, you are wrong. Although good habits need to be developed from an early age, when you grow up, it is not impossible to develop them, as long as you persist and work hard. Good habits. This good friend will also be by your side. Not only do you have good habits in life, but you also have good habits in learning. Only when learning and living side by side is a successful person should have. Good living habits are the foundation of success, and good learning habits are the guarantee of success. This is the consensus of many successful learners. In fact, there is not much difference in human IQ. The key factor that causes the difference in performance is often the study habits that are ignored by everyone. Good study habits can make you have more fun and improve your grades quickly. Ancient and modern Chinese and foreign scholars have made academic achievements, and all have good study habits. I think that this 'friend' will definitely stay with me for life Marlboro Gold. If I can live to be 100 years old, then good habits will accompany me through 13% of my life. I believe that with good habits, I will definitely Become a successful person!
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Snow, as light as smoke, as white as silver, fluttering and fluttering, splashed from the sky. The students rushed out of the door together, enjoying the snow. Only I was sitting in the classroom by myself, staring blankly at the snow, the expression became more anxious. The Chinese teacher stepped on the bell and appeared at the door of the classroom. The laughter and joy stopped abruptly. Today, the Chinese teacher seems to be very angry. He holds a stack of test papers in his hand, as if something big happened. "This time the unit test classmates were very unsatisfactory, and some good students' grades also dropped sharply, especially ..." The teacher turned his eyes to me, I quickly lowered my head, opened the language, pretended to read the test paper Down, the bright number "84" appeared in front of me, my face flushed. Although I tried to cover it with my hands, the students around me still saw my score. They all talked about it, and from time to time they gave a repressed Cigarettes Online, unwilling laugh. This is almost humiliating laughter, my heart is very sad, and I regret it. After analyzing the test paper, the teacher asked all the classmates to take it home for signature. "No!" I shouted in my heart, but how dare I go against the teacher's will. My heart is a little messy, something is messing up in my heart like that. In the end, tell my parents or make my own claims? I have a balance in my heart, with two choices on both ends, and the two ends of the balance will suddenly rise and fall, and will not weigh. At night, Daxue was still unscrupulous. I never talked about it with my parents. The next day, I signed my dad's name on the test paper Marlboro Gold. After I signed it, I looked left and right. I was somewhat proud: It can really be fake. The first lesson after I handed in the test paper, the Chinese teacher walked into the classroom on time again. This time, the Chinese teacher swept the class with calm and dignified eyes. When passing by me, I quickly jumped my eyes in shock, not looking at the teacher, but when I closed my eyes again, I found that the teacher's eyes were still on his face. Under the light of that eye, I seemed to become a transparent body. My heart is pounding. After class, the teacher asked me to go to the office. I felt that my legs were a little soft. I regretted it. I patronized the test paper and signed it. I forgot that the teacher's eyes can see everything. "What did your parents say after reading this score?" The teacher asked casually while correcting his homework. "No ... it's nothing." I twitched a little. "Really? How do I think the signature on the test paper is like yours! I understand that the first time you get this test, the teacher doesn't blame you, forgive you, but if you fake the signature, you are wrong, you are willing to admit Wrong? "The teacher asked earnestly. At this time, my eyes felt wet, two teardrops fell, and gradually became a cry. The teacher saw it, didn't speak, but hugged me tightly. I looked out the window, the snow had stopped, and a bright, white sun shining across the earth shone on me Marlboro Cigarettes. I began to greet everything around me with a calm smile, and my heart gradually calmed down.
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Today, our school launched an interesting activity "flea market", which is to bring all the books that have been read at home to auction and learn from each other. After lunch, several classmates and I started to prepare and planned a sales plan. When we came to the playground, the playground was already full of classmates, and we finally had a place on the lawn. From a market perspective Online Cigarettes, although our stall is not good, but I am very confident to run our stall. We put the books up and put beautiful gifts on each book to attract customers' attention Cigarettes Online. The auction officially started, and several of our classmates worked hard, first trying to shout "Take a look, take a look, don't miss it when you walk through ..." when we learned from TV Carton Of Cigarettes. With a shout, a customer came, turned over, turned over, shook his head, frowning away; the customer's move made me realize that the customer came to treat the customer as God, and to welcome him with a smile Just thinking about this, our customer Mr. Zhao is here. I immediately smiled and went up to explain our "commodities" for her. She took a copy of "Idiom Story" and asked, "How do you sell this book!" Before waiting for me to speak, Wang Junyi couldn't wait to say "20 yuan". Teacher Zhao frowned and said, "So expensive! Are you selling for 2 yuan?" I quickly hurry up and say, "Mr. Zhao! You really can Bargain! I think so, you are our first customer, give you a 50% discount, what do you think? "Teacher Zhao smiled, and put it out and said:" 8 yuan is not sold? "Listen At this point, I deliberately put on a look of painful love: "Okay! 8 yuan is 8 yuan, The first business do not plan to make money, Figure auspicious. " Finally the first business was completed, and we almost danced with joy. Next, we have confidence, and the business will be much smoother. Seeing that our goods are in short supply, I quickly consulted with my partners, leaving one person to guard the booth, and I went out to "wholesale" with others, and the partners all said after listening Agree, we immediately set off our respective tasks. I first came to the market to take a turn, to understand the market ��s tight books, and I started to approve a few books. Sure enough, I just got back and approved the book. I have n��t reached our booth yet. I was sold out. Although the effect was minimal this time, it was the first pot of gold that I personally managed. After all, I was so happy that I heard the market activity on the radio is about to end. I hurried to the stall and watched on the road When I went to several other partners, each of them held a few books from the wholesale market, and ran to me with sweat, and said breathlessly: "Wang Jin, the activity is almost over. What do you do with this book?" "Don't worry, we all went to the door to sell separately." They heard me say it, they got excited, and hurried to go to a crowded place. The event was over, and I realized the purpose of this event, mainly It is to allow students to have an interaction and communication with each other. During the interaction, students can reflect a market atmosphere and competition, let everyone use their brains, and surpass others in fierce competition. In learning, we must draw all the knowledge from the books into our minds as our "commodities", use our "commodities" to create wealth, and achieve something that can be done for human beings.
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It's snowing and it's cold. When I ride a bike, I always shrink my hands into my sleeves, and wrap my handle around my handlebars. I also bought gloves at home, but I was too lazy to wear them. I used to wear gloves while riding, and those were all woven by my mother. When I was in the second and third grades of elementary school, my mother liked knitting sweaters, trousers, scarves, scarves, gloves and the like during farming. My mother likes scarves and scarves, my father likes sweaters, and my favorite is gloves. Of course, my mother also knits sweaters for me. The patterned sweater I am wearing now is made by my mother. I remember that the gloves my mother knitted at first were not very good-looking, the style was simple, and the colors were monotonous. However, I feel very warm and dirty, and it is suitable for me to play with my friends. Mother is very good at learning. As long as she sees the sweaters and gloves worn by others, she will look at them and ask questions carefully. Mother is smart, sensible, and learns fast. Later, the glove style I knitted was much more beautiful, and there were also patterns such as small flowers and puppies. This makes me like my mother's gloves even more. My mother knits gloves for me and never measures my hands; knits sweaters for me and never measures my waist. But the knitted gloves are fitting, and the knitted sweater is fitting. In the past, I often saw one of my mother's movements when weaving clothes: weaving for a while, holding it in front of you, looking at it for a while, and then weaving. I don't know if this is the reason why my mother can weave out fit clothes without measuring. In the past two years, my mother has become unwieldy because of too much housework. But I can still remember her expression when weaving, especially when a piece of clothing is woven Marlboro Red, and a smile will appear on my face from time to time. I want to come now, she might not help laughing when she imagined me or my dad wearing or wearing it. My mother's eyes were particularly focused when she was weaving clothes, and she saw the two needles that were one foot long. They were worn and worn, and nothing else. Sitting on the side, I sometimes dazzled. Now think about the mother who was really an artist at that time. What did she woven for me and my dad not art? Since I saw my mother knitting things, I felt itchy and wanted to learn. One day, when my mother knits gloves, I will sit next to it and take advantage of it. I said to my mother: "Mom, I want to give it a try too." Then he took the needle in her hand. My mother's face sank: "Go, how can a boy learn? While playing!" Looking at her mother's disgusted eyes and gloomy face, I had to run away in vain Carton Of Cigarettes. Since then, I never thought of learning anything to weave. In elementary school, in winter, I would wear my mother's gloves to ride a bike to school Cigarettes For Sale. When I arrived in the class, I often saw several classmates throwing their schoolbags on the table as soon as they entered the class. They stretched out their hands frozen like red shrimp and prawns. I will proudly stretch out the gloved gloves with beautifully patterned hands, and slowly stretch out a lazy waist, both hands draw a "heart" shape in the air. At that time, I did n��t mention how proud I was. Before, my mother wore a lot of pairs of gloves, big and small, and there were one pair left last year. Unfortunately, this summer was bitten by rats. Now I would rather use the sleeves to wrap the handlebars than wearing the gloves I bought. I always feel that they are not good.
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Who is my enemy? Don't sell you a pass, I tell you straight away, my enemy is my mother! You will be curious: if you made a mistake, why did your mother love you so much? Hey, this is a long story, and listen to me slowly. My mother loves nagging so much that you have to lay out your words in front of everything Marlboro Gold, as if I am a baby who knows nothing. After getting up in the morning, I haven't waited for me to get up. Listen, the high-decibel voice across the wall has come to call the bed: "I can't get up, the sun is drying my ass. I'm late to ask Marlboro Lights." The door sounded "DongDongDong", knocking people out of panic. Finally, there was a shout in the kitchen: "Hurry up and wash, and the meal will be ready soon!" Well, I had to wash my face and brush my teeth. But because I was too flustered, I didn't know what the breakfast tasted like. The next step is to send me to school. This is a torment for me, of course, not because of traffic jams, but because of my mother's constant nagging. "Hey, have you completed your homework? By the way, did you wear your school uniform. Well, did I sign the small book?" "Mother, are you tired? Can you take a break? When I arrived at school, my troubled morning was relieved. Going home from school in the afternoon is also a headache Cigarettes For Sale. "Small, what are your homework today, please show your little book to your mother. Oh, okay, not much homework. Then do it quickly, finish early and rest early. By the way, what do you want to eat at night? Babao porridge Drink it? By the way, your mother bought you fritters. Although the fritters are delicious, but ... "Oh maca, my ears are going to grow old. In fact, these normal behaviors are nothing. Once I make a mistake, Well, God, Tang Seng is reborn. That time I took the exam, because I missed a question, I was drowned by my mother's spit star. I saw my mother's big hand holding the roll tightly, trembling, while staring at the beads and looking at me, while gnashing his teeth and saying to me: "You, you, you, have long eyes? How can you see such a big question Didn't you see? ... "I was greeted by a 30-minute speech baptism. After my mother said I was tired, I had already got into the sofa and didn't want to get up. Hey, this is my nagging mother. But do you know? Without my mom, I'm not at ease in my heart!
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We grew up from a baby in babies to a baby who learns babbling, and then to a student who is now in the flower season, and there will never be a lack of parental companionship around us. In the process of growing up, we depend on our parents, who grow up with us. When I was in sixth grade, I always kept reviewing every evening to prepare for the first grade. After dinner every day, I got into the room after taking a shower Every night, my house was quiet. Mom and Dad are careful about what they do. I ��m afraid I ��ll accidentally bother me. Only when I go to the toilet, my mother will quickly pour a glass of milk on my table, and then go out quietly. Whenever I picked up that cup of warm milk, there was always a trace of warmth in my heart Marlboro Lights. What impressed me most was that night. It was a winter night, because there were more homework, so when I finished my homework and opened the door, the hallway was already dark. When I crept to wash, there was a "snap" sound and the living room light turned on, mom Came over and said to me: "Go to bed, it's too late." I nodded, and suddenly saw my dad sitting on the living room sofa and dozing little by little, the TV was showing his favorite There was no sound in the basketball game. My eyes are hot, and I understand that this is the silent company of parents. Accompanying, also hidden in a piano song. When I asked my mother to learn piano, my mother agreed in less than a second Marlboro Cigarettes. Since then, every Sunday, regardless of the sun and rain, my mother will take me on time It was sent to the piano shop. During the time the teacher taught me, she always moved a stool and sat quietly in the back. Sometimes she took out a book to help me write down some of the teachers' suggestions and requirements. When I popped a complete piano song for the first time, my mother's happy expression was still imprinted in my mind. She never missed any of my performances. She was also my most loyal audience. Companionship is the warmest love. It allowed me to grow up vigorously and healthily, and it also taught me to accompany. On the road of growth, the cup of warm milk on the study table, the silent TV set, the little bench always behind me, the companion named "Love", I think, all my life will not forget.
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un out, go to the outskirts, the outskirts, or the depths of spring in the mountains and rivers, and graze your heart to the mountains and clear waters, or the vibrant rural fields, so that the floating heart quietly precipitates, and when Chunfu takes off his bloated winter clothes, he The seductive scent was soberly settled, and the hearts of the people in the city who were waiting for the spring to be heard. Chun just jumped on the treetop and lurked deep in the tree's heart. People who live in the city swayed their noses to capture even the insignificant breath of spring, and the wind moved slightly. Escaping to the fields, rushing to the green hills, running close to the clear waters ... the city can't lock the smell of the increasingly thick spring, and it can't lock the people's love and love for nature, which originally belonged to nature's unrestrained heart, It is the color of life flowing in the blood, which dilutes or loses these natural colors, and life is destined to be dull. When the spring tide struck, I stood at the window on the sixth floor, with a pious heart, and cast my eyes far away to a large area of ??open space behind the building that could not be "planted" to high-rise buildings in the future. People who love nature and the land can't bear to leave large areas of fertile fields unused, and can't help planting rape, greens, broad beans, and some unknown crops. Those nameless grasses and flowers have never been outdone. After the spring news, Wu Wu grows in a fragrant and fragrant place, decorating the horns left by some farmers with a spring atmosphere, which makes people can't help generating the impulse rain thrown into their arms one after another After the night comes quietly, the frogs have a sound Nothing makes a noise, so that the whole heart immediately calm down. Whenever I do, I will come to the bathroom involuntarily, and gently open the window, letting the sound of frogs higher than the waves and the smell of intoxicating spring kill unbridledly into the house. I stood at the window for a long time, even though the window was completely dark, but my heart was brightly lit. Imagine hordes of frogs, or sing loudly, or whisper, or talk about love. It ignited my numb heart Newport 100S, and made me have a new and vivid pixel camera for spring, life, and the world around me, rushed to the spring field behind the building, anxiously Open the lens, shoot flowers, and shoot grass. I ca n��t wait to grab the enticing time of Chun and Jingming one by one into the lens, treasure it in the hard disk, and hope to stay with the intoxicating spring sundial and never separate. The large, golden canola flowers not only attracted hordes of hummingbirds, but also lured me out of the nest of reinforced concrete. I was holding my camera, blasting violently and suddenly, suddenly my feet softened, and I fell into the deep pit covered by asbestos tiles. The surging spring gave me an affectionate hug, which made me a little bit Be caught off guard. A hole was made in the knee, but fortunately, the camera did not fall into the water, and the captured beauty was still there. When I fell into the depths of Spring, my injured leg was a little painful, but compared with the tempting strokes that brought me to the heart, the small pain is insignificant ... The charm of the spring tour is irresistible to the people who are tired of traveling around the city . In any case, we must squeeze out some time, run out, go to the suburbs, distant suburbs, or the depths of spring in good mountains and rivers, graze the mind to the mountains and clear waters, or the vibrant rural fields, let the floating heart quietly settle Even a moment of tranquility is worthy of permanent collection and aftertaste Marlboro Cigarettes. Spring is getting stronger, taking a bright sunshine, a clear blue water, a charming green hill, or a gentle spring breeze, soothing our heavy heart. To get along with nature is the need of the body, but also the thirst of the soul. The nature without thoughts and desires, with its broad and warm heart, cleans away the filth deep in our souls, and makes us live more calmly and purely.
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