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A printer connected to a computer allows you to print out digital documents, pictures, reports, greeting cards and so on. The printer has many parts that work in unison to complete a printing task. One of those most important components of a printer is the ink cartridge. Ink cartridges are inserted into printers so that you can take coloured as well as black and white printouts. The ink in the cartridges is, of course, limited and needs to be refilled or replaced depending on the how often you use the printer. It is important to keep a track of how much ink is remaining because if the ink is less then you may end up with blurred, hazy or distorted prints. You should choose your ink cartridges based on your printer. Deskjet HP Printers are among the most popular printer brands used in the market today. You can call the HP Printer Customer Service Number to get a better idea about the different features and ink cartridges needed for HP printers.

Even with the best HP Deskjet printer in the world will not give you the desired high-quality prints if the ink cartridge is not properly maintained. Sometimes certain technical issues can obstruct the smooth working of the printer and can halt your work. One common printer related issue is the Low-Ink Error message. Whenever the printer is running low on ink your system will send out an alert that is displayed on the screen. It will be a waste of time if you have to wait for a technician to come every time the printer runs low on ink. This article will not only help you understand the cause behind the error message but will also give you suggestions on how to fix it.

Troubleshooting steps for Low-Ink Error Message in Deskjet HP Printer

·        Disconnect all the cables and wires connected to the printer and remove it from the main supply.

·        In case the printer was connected to a wireless network select the ‘Forget Network’ option.

·        Switch the printer on and reconnect it to your system using the USB cable

·        Open the Control panel Section and go to the Printer and Faxes option.

·        Search for your HP printer icon and go to properties.

·        Under Service, go to Service this device.Clicking this option will allow you to reset the ink level.


Once you reset the ink level you can give the command to print a document just to check if the printer is working as usual. If you notice that the printout is blurred or the colour is too light and hazy then the ink cartridge was not set correctly. If the problem persists even after you replaced the cartridge then it indicates that the problem is not with the printer hardware but there is a technical issue perhaps with the software. If you have followed all the steps mentioned above and are still not sure on how to proceed you can contact HP printer tech support and ask for technical assistance.

Read more: HP Printer Customer Service

Source URL: Resolve Low-Ink Error Message in Deskjet HP Printer

HP Printers offer a host of amazing features to help users meet their daily printing needs. One of the best thing about HP is that their products are compatible with most operating systems and devices. However, it is not uncommon for this printer to encounter errors. There are some errors that are minor but there are some errors that are more advanced for which you need to call the HP Printer Customer Service Number and ask an expert for additional technical support so as to troubleshoot the problem.

This article explores one of the most common issues occurring in HP products when it comes to system updates. Many users report that their HP scanner suddenly stops working immediately after they have updated the Windows software on their computer. The ‘Scanner Failure’ error prevents users from scanning and uploading pictures or documents onto their computer. If you have encountered this sort of error right after updating to Windows 10 then you can try the troubleshooting steps mentioned below to try and fix the scanner.

How to rectify ‘Scanner Failure’ in HP Printer

The Windows 10 updates do not support all HP Printer and Scanners. If you find that your scanner is giving trouble after the system update just use these steps to fix the HP error:

Reset HP Printer

Very often simply resetting your printer is enough to clear most of the error that is causing the problem. And the best part is, resetting the printer is not even that complicated, just go through the steps mentioned below:

·        Leave the printer on and remove all the cables

·        Gently disconnect the power cord from the power supply

·        Wait for about a minute or so and reconnect the cables

·        Attach the power cable and turn the printer on

If you do not see any indication of the error message then go ahead and give the command to scan a fresh document. If the scan does not go through then proceed to the next step.

Check the functionality of your scanner bar

It is often the scanner bar that is the main culprit behind a failed scan. You can follow the steps given below to check the functionality of the bar:

·        Leave the lid open and scan a demo document

·        If you see the scanner light move then run the scan fix tool and reinstall the printer driver

·        If the scanner light does not at all you will have to contact customer support

If these solutions do not resolve the scanner failure then it is probably because there is a deeper problem in the hardware or the printer software. The best thing to do in this case is to reach out to a certified technician through the HP printer support Number. This helpline is active 24 hours a day so that you don’t have to halt your work just because the scanner is not working. The HP experts available will be able to give you the best and quickest solution to troubleshoot the error so that you can continue using the scanner.


Read more: HP Printer Tech Support 

Source URL: HP Printer Scanner not working after updating to Windows 10

Hewlett and Packard, more commonly known as HP, is one of the leading computer hardware companies known worldwide. HP products are known for their smart features that help to reduce manual work and make it easier for everyone to use the product. The company made great advancements in all fields of computer hardware be it PC’s, laptops, printers and a host of technical accessories. With over eighty years of experience in the field of computer technology HP has a made a name for itself by introducing custom made products to help both personal users as well as businesses find exactly what they are looking for. Among the many HP products available in the market, HP Printers are by far one of the most popular line of products. You can contact HP Printer Customer Service Number if you need any help with respect to the features or errors you encounter while using an HP printer.

HP designs printers to meet the specific requirement of the user. So whether you are looking for a simple printer to use at home or a high-definition printer for use in the office, you can choose from a vast selection of printer models to find the best type that suits your need. But, as is always the case when using complex hardware, you are bound to run into a few technical glitches while using the HP printer. If your HP printer experiences a malfunction it is usually expressed in the form of a numbered error code. Some of these error codes can be solved by the user themselves but some may require technical support. This article gives you some helpful tips on how to solve HP Printer Configuration Error 0x80004005.

Steps to Resolve HP Printer Configuration Error 0x80004005

Whenever your device indicates that there is a configuration issues and you see the message that indicates HP Printer Configuration Error 0x80004005, you can follow the steps given below to troubleshoot the error:

·        Switch off the printer and then turn it on after a couple of minutes.

·        Leave the printer idle for some time.

·        Carefully disconnect the USB cable from your HP printer.

·        Remove and replace the ink cartridges to ensure that they are installed properly.

·        Remove the power chord from behind the printer and reconnect it after 5 minutes.

·        At this point your HP printer should start automatically. However, if it does not then start it manually.

·        Wait for the printer to finish warming up.

·        Slowly reinsert the ink cartridges into the HP printer and make sure the USB cable is securely connected to the printer.

·        When you see a prompt on your screen give the command to print a calibration page.

As mentioned earlier in the article, these are just some basic troubleshooting steps you can try if you ever encounter HP Printer Configuration Error 0x80004005. But if these steps do not work then you will have to reach out to HP Printer Technical Support and ask for additional technical assistance. A HP printer expert will be able to guide you and help you figure out the best way to fix this issue.


Read more: HP printer support Number 

Source URL:  HP Printer Configuration Error 0x80004005

With the passage of time overheating problem in HP Laptop become most common. And if you don’t take this issue seriously then there might be some other problems too such as continuous crashing of Windows, loss of data and blue screen of death errors and so on. Being an HP normal users you might not know that these issues are occurring because of overheating issue of your HP laptops and till the time you get to know this may be your motherboard gets fried. Your best chance to not let the overheating problem hamper your work can be when you take the assistance of the experts. And experts can be found by dialing HP Printer Technical Support Number which remainsaccessible at all hours in a day.

How can you know that your HP Laptop is Overheating?

If the back side of your laptop is hot then it does not mean that your HP Laptop is overheating. When the fan of your laptop is running in great speed or when you are able to hear the loud noise of your laptop fans then one can say that their HP laptop is overheating.

What is the reason for the overheating of HP Laptops?

The answer to this question can be very simple that is insufficient cooling but some major reasons can be:

·        Lots of dust have been clogged up on your laptop fans

·        Degenerated thermal grease can be found between the heat sink and CPU of your HP laptops

How to fix the overheating issue of HP Laptops?

The very common solution which every user can do when they first notice that their HP Laptop is overheating is to clean the dust which has clogged up on your laptop fan. As these fans are known for maintaining cooling between CPU and graphics card. The steps which must be followed to remove the dust from the fan are given below:

·        Remove the battery after turning off your HP Laptop

·        Unplug all the power cable also

·        Using the cotton dipped into the drop of alcohol clean the fan carefully. Before turning on the laptop make sure alcohol is evaporated

·        You can use vacuum cleaner too to remove the dirt and dust of your fan

·        One can clean the dust by sucking out the hot air of their laptop by using the vacuum cleaner

Even after executing these troubleshooting steps you are not able to fix the overheating problem of your HP laptop then it is advisable to contact the professionals by dialing the HP Printer Customer Support which remainsaccessible at all hours. The experts are well versed in fixing all the issue that isassociated with HP laptops.


Read more: HP printer helpline number

Source URL:Diagnose and fix an overheating HP Laptop