Let's take a little time to RS gold from Rskingdom's blog

Let's take a little time to RS gold discuss how the United States government is hoping to perform a coup in Venezuela, and that they are probably responsible for the loss of power, and are restricting the ability of the Venezuelan government to behave through unnecessary sanctions created to make life in Venezuela so unhappy they alter leadership.I'd rather Jagex made this kind of service allowed at an"at your own risk" type of system very similar to swapping. If they bot your accounts or do anything else to have it banned, or simply don't do exactly what they said they'd do, then you are SOL. But should they uphold their end of the bargain and nobody is getting hurt twist it, why don't. The sole exception I'd make is if you are competing in the high scores.

I'd much rather have actual people playing for people's accounts which subsequently let them eat for a week than have more and more bots enter the match. I think Jagex could agree with that. These are people encouraging them selves and also enjoying the sport, not fucking running 15 bots simultaneously. I try to stay objective in most instances but spirituality takes over for me , this supersedes the rules of an online game. Exceptions shouldn't be produced but I say Jagex ought to"forget" them for lack of a better word.

As a 1st world player (o play Runescape3 bc I do not wanna start over) it sucks. But hey guy, If I have to try a bit more that some other guy can consume, then thats cool with me. Jagex has been the one who was responsible for enormous amounts of their player base leaving. Sure, robots are somewhat annoying, but jagex responding to buy RuneScape gold it by eliminating free commerce and the wilderness did far more damage than the robots did. I think something similar will happen later on. When it's jagex attempt discharge another bug that is irreversible or to monetize OSRS.

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