True community is thriving can not say RS gold from Rskingdom's blog

True community is thriving can not say RS gold. Concerning relevancy... How often do you visit dorgeshuun or elves. (I guess for slayer you need to kill elves and long/curved bones store but just like what else do you do there if you are not IM) Additionally zanik called and asked when will she get the pursuit continuation? I am sick of people literally being like"oh my god osrs is wonderful it's a golden era of the franchise owing to it" while multiple upgrades in last year basically do the same thing that ruined economy back in the Runescape3.

I played osrs for 2 years and performed 3 years from 2007-10 and literally last 5 months made me switch to Runescape3 that I now play for a little more than a month. Runescape3 might have MTX but holy shit that the ammount of content for everything that is amazing and skilling does not feel like a same fucking content for 120 hours directly (yes I'm looking at you osrs runecrafting). Zeah amazing content and both raids are also good but ffs either nerf present best pvm moneymakers that I mentioned or buff old PvM loot tables since drops outside of uniques are miserable at shit like GWD for the effort you need to make compared to stuff like revs that got even more buffed by wildy firearms.

I played with buy RuneScape gold for quite a long time as it was new, and performed RS Classic for the couple years that it existed until 2 came out. But honestly, it's an ancient relic today, and though I have tried before to give it another go, I simply can not find it fun any more like I did when I was 10. Guess you're wrong.

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