not to mention, RS gold Classic from Rskingdom's blog

It is important for me to note that I am currently playing with Runescape3, not OSRS. I have never played the actual OSRS edition of the sport BUT I was playing RS2 (and, not to mention, RS gold Classic) from the mid-2000's, of which OSRS was modelled later. While I envision many things have shifted in the past (nearly) 12 years since I played a version of the game which was even remotely similar to OSRS, I know for true that lots of things have remained the same. With this being so, I'd advise anybody playing OSRS OR Runescape3 to follow the urge I published in the last paragraph - Use f2p to get through the low/mid levels and p2p to make it through the mid/high amounts, based on how often you play. I suggest getting membership at lower rates than you would if you only install 10 hours/week if you put in 20 +.

My first language is Icelandic. I recall the very first thing I typed on that game from a request from my sister that had been 12 years old in now, she requested me to beg in Varrock. I went around asking people "can you give me money". Ever since 2004 I have played Runescape on and off and I am thankful for that since it's benefited me a great deal. When speaking with tourists visiting Iceland I often get compliments about my accent and that they could not alter my accent from somebody who grew up with English vs me growing up with Icelandic, that is completely different.

Played RS back in the really early days but never gave it a fair try. Started again around the time came out last year. Holy crap is Runescape big and tough. It's an RPG, kind of like all of the survival/craft games you have these days, with PvP components very similar to Eve Online, at a medieval fantasy theme. It's fantastic. I'm skilling, simply and questing, bossing, making countless gp having tons of fun. Every step feels rewarding buy RuneScape gold. Can recommend anybody to play Runescape.

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