Rskingdom1's blog

The movement isn't a improvement.... For The Division 2 Credits individuals who played The Section 1 due to the general setting and this story this game may be an improvement. But pvp and hardcore pve players won t like this game...

Single player or dual player campaign and story felt quite similar in design to the original to me since you mentioned (I've got just under 4k hours on The Section 1), but the endgame felt quite crappy. Hell, in story mode the NPCs still get after the 3rd and esp 4th player combine. The bullet spongy texture was just amplified from the closed beta from the Black Tusk assignment. This is an opportunity to hype up it and try and sell more copies. I feel its a strong improvement over the original so far but there are still tons of bugs that they will need to work out and I can not help but believe there is some laziness in there once you find the EXACT SAME BUG at Division 2 that has been in Division 1. I also expect they're adding more specializations since the 3 we have offered are less than impressive. Demo. Sniper? Come on. That is like TF2.

EA is bad because Anthem has been hurried to be outside on schedule.

The pass to play their matches for a brief quantity of time without needing to cover them has already been achieved by microsoft (it worked for Sea of thieves for example).And that the free content following launch is not new whatsoever. EA's lootboxe program has made games fail (Battlefront 2), so they're not doing it again. They do the siege and Overwatch. But with less content and no promise it will continue on year 2. (And, the a private guess, however I believe that the"free stuff" for your first year are just features that should happen to be in the base game but were stretched out because of a lack of development time).

Agreed. I played TThe Division 2 and enjoyed it, but didn't enjoy the way the original stats systems played out. Didn't like that firearms was a stat, also that wasn't felt by electronics. I'm thankful that they eliminated the guns stat, which makes that a skill based component of this game, while focusing on wellness, amror and electronics as the three primary stats. Playing the game, it felt really good... Tbh, it felt just like the game I wanted to play with once I got The Division 2 Boosting 2. I was hoping for that upon coming into the TThe Division 2 beta.Very eager for the complete release. I was amazed that I ended up no-lifing that the TThe Division 2 Beta.... And even more surprised that when I thought I was done, there was more to play.