Far Cry New Dawn feels a bit empty compared to Far Cry 5 from mmocs's blog

Far Cry New Dawn feels a bit empty compared to Far Cry 5, even though the two basically share the same map. It makes long-distance journeys a bit boring as the game progresses, unless you’re overly excited by the occasional run in with the Highwaymen, or an animal that takes as much damage as a bullet-sponge boss. Fast travel is a way to skip right to the good stuff, but it’s not exactly an open and accessible system right away.

One of those missions that some who got to preview the game saw put players aboard a huge aircraft carrier called the H.M.S. MacCoubrey which is docked on the coast of Florida, and that’s the exact mission that the PlayStation Underground video above starts out with. The ship is filled with enemies and players have to retrieve a package from it, but it’s up to them weather they want to go about that stealthily or fight their way into the belly of the ship with explosions and guns blazing.

These expedition locations include a Louisana swamp that has taken over a fictional theme park, a decrepit Navajo Bridge littered with abandoned cars in Arizona, and the infamous Alcatraz prison situated on a rocky island. Within them, players must infiltrate an enemy base and steal a package of rare loot. This is where guns for hire abilities come in handy, as characters like Nana can quietly stealth-kill enemies from afar to clear a path. Once players secure the package, however, the enemies will zero in on the player’s location. This means it’ll be a guns-blazing exit for each expedition, with the player forced to evacuate to the extraction zone for a helicopter pickup. Best and Cheapest Far Cry ND Credits For Sale -

The new feature, Expeditions changes all of that. To launch an expedition you head to your local travel agent in the camp. By travel agent I mean the completely insane Canadian from Quebec. From there you choose your first expedition, which is an assault on an aircraft carrier docked next to a cliff-top far away from Hope County. This little detail opens up a world of opportunities for the developers as not only are they no longer restricted to creating experience in Hope County but now they are also able to fine tune the experiences in these smaller settings. Adding the ability to improve the visuals, add more enemies and increase the action on all counts.

Once you return to Prosperity, you’ll be rewarded with a huge cache of resources for your efforts. You’ll also unlock the next Expedition. What’s more, you can actually choose to replay Expeditions, in a similar manner to “Scavenging” Outposts. The next time you go on that Expedition, the Highwaymen will have moved back in. The rewards will be greater, but the enemies you’ll face will be more numerous and higher tier.

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