數位貨幣相關(Cryptocurrency) | 討論區

討論區首頁 » General » 數位貨幣相關(Cryptocurrency)
話題 Replies views Last_reply
Harbor Partners with Real Estate Investment Firm to Tokenize Over $100 Million in Assets - 86 Last_reply by Guangyaw Sep 18 '19
Bitcoin Hashrate Hits New All-Time High - 88 Last_reply by Guangyaw Sep 18 '19
Stellar Development Foundation to Airdrop Two Billion XLM - 100 Last_reply by Guangyaw Sep 10 '19
Tether Launches New Stablecoin to Support Offshore Chinese Yuan - 104 Last_reply by Guangyaw Sep 10 '19
Ethereum’s ‘Istanbul’ Hard Fork Activation Delayed - 102 Last_reply by Guangyaw Sep 9 '19
Bitcoin Network Facilitates Transaction Worth Over $1 Billion - 99 Last_reply by Guangyaw Sep 6 '19
Paxos’ PAX Gold Becomes First Tokenized Gold Product to Receive Regulatory Approval - 95 Last_reply by Guangyaw Sep 6 '19
挖礦軟體XMRig感染目標擴及x86系統 - 106 Last_reply by Guangyaw Sep 6 '19
入侵Capital One的駭客以遭駭的伺服器來挖礦 - 102 Last_reply by Guangyaw Sep 6 '19
Telegram將按原訂計畫於10月發行Gram加密貨幣 - 92 Last_reply by Guangyaw Sep 4 '19
Portugal’s Tax Authority Confirms Tax-Free Cryptocurrency Trading and Payments - 101 Last_reply by Guangyaw Aug 30 '19
Dharma Returns With Announcement of Product Overhaul - 101 Last_reply by Guangyaw Aug 30 '19
Ethereum Foundation, ConsenSys, Protocol Labs, Announce Eth2.0 Grant Funding - 96 Last_reply by Guangyaw Aug 28 '19
國產加密貨幣冷錢包私鑰管理有新作法,AMIS帳聯網首席科學家揭露關鍵技術 - 102 Last_reply by Guangyaw Aug 27 '19
國產加密貨幣冷錢包私鑰管理有新作法 - 88 Last_reply by Guangyaw Aug 24 '19
北醫黑客松今開跑,上百好手齊聚攻醫療AI和區塊鏈4大領域 - 103 Last_reply by Guangyaw Aug 6 '19
新創區塊科技推出數位存證上鏈App - 108 Last_reply by Guangyaw Jul 20 '19
國發會串連產官學成立臺灣區塊鏈大聯盟,十個政府部會先加入 - 99 Last_reply by Guangyaw Jul 18 '19
臺灣首版STO規範草案管制過嚴引發反彈,金管會:日後會放寬 - 94 Last_reply by Guangyaw Jul 14 '19
臉書終於發表加密貨幣Libra, - 84 Last_reply by Guangyaw Jun 25 '19
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