Ethereum Foundation, ConsenSys, Protocol Labs, Announce Eth2.0 Grant Funding | 討論區

Guangyaw Aug 28 '19

Ethereum Foundation, ConsenSys, Protocol Labs, Announce Eth2.0 Grant Funding






The Ethereum Foundation announced Monday the distribution of more than $2 million in grant funding “aimed at furthering Serenity (Eth2.0) development as [the Ethereum developer community] move nearer to the launch of the Beacon Chain.” Contributing an undisclosed amount toward the grant funding were ConsenSys and Protocol Labs.

“In recent months,” a blog post announcing the grants stated, “the Ethereum Foundation granted substantial awards to leading client development teams currently tasked with delivering long-standing multi-client testnets as development approaches the launch of Phase 0."

Accounting for $1.71 million of the grant funding were Prysmatic Labs, Status, and Sigma Prime, which were granted, respectively, $725,000, $500,000, and $485,000. Grants awarded to the former two came exclusively from Ethereum Foundation, with ConsenSys co-funding the latter’s grant.

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