Stellar Development Foundation to Airdrop Two Billion XLM | 討論區

Guangyaw Sep 10 '19

Stellar Development Foundation to Airdrop Two Billion XLM






The Stellar Development Foundation—a not-for-profit entity supporting the development of the Stellar blockchain network—announced it will airdrop a total of two billion lumens (XLM) to the 300,000-plus users of encrypted messaging service Keybase over the next 20 months.

“The airdrop will run for at least 3 months,” the Stellar Development Foundation specified in a blog post announcing the airdrop on Monday. “Subsequent months [will be] subject to basic success metrics for the program.”

According to CryptoCompare data, the market price of XLM is $0.60 at the time of writing. This means that if the two billion XLM were to be airdropped right now, it would equate to $120 million.

Keybase detailed its integration with Stellar’s native XLM cryptocurrency earlier in the year. In March 2018, the Stellar Development Foundation invested an undisclosed amount in Keybase.


