xeroheilplinenumber's blog

Do you want that your issues get fixed immediately without wasting much time? Are you troubled with reoccurring concerns with your Xero accounting software? Get prompt answers and reliable solutions at Xero phone number. Avail help by skilled technicians and diligent professionals. This accounting software is a  cloud-based application that works while logging to secure browsers. Many people are not experts in handling this interface. Especially if they are new to using this software, then technical assistance can become essential at some point. The executives at Xero customer support provides the best and refined judgements based on their valuable experience. Let's make it a little simple and provide you with a list of the benefits that the users can avail while reaching out to this service

vAn issue occurred in Xero software in the middle of the night? Stuck at the situation and wondering who to contact? Leave your worries aside and dial the toll-free number at any time. This service is available 24*7

vDon't want to get in touch with the technical executives via call? You have a lot to choose from. Opt for live chat support, click on Help, or email your queries.

vWorried whether your issue will get adequately resolved or not? At this service, the professionals provide you well-researched answers and do not talk in thin air

vConfused about the wait time? Stay relaxed as the average call waiting time is 1-2 minutes and your request will be answered within that particular span

A lot of questions will still arise in a user's mind. Leave them aside and feel free to dial the toll-free number anytime and avail technical Help. Do not keep on waiting when you are unable to work on the software due to some internal software concerns. If you can troubleshoot the problem manually, then perform the steps; if you require technical assistance, then quickly contactXero  support number. It will be a nerve-wracking experience if you are asked to wait or are passed from one executive to another. This would be wasting your precious time. But at this support service, this is not the case. You do not need to move from calls to calls as your issue will be solved at one platform. They give a proper focus to customer satisfaction and make sure that dwell on every niche. Stay relaxed and get answers to all the questions posed by you for this software.

Source URL: Contact Xero Customer Service Number

While completing transactions online or while using any accounting software there is always the risk of a security breach that could cause you to lose data, or worse lose money. The two-step authentication feature on your Xero software is a security feature that helps to protect your data and keeps your account secure. The authentication feature, which is also known as 2SA, needs a unique authentication code in addition to the login details when signing in to Xero. The code that is required is generated by an authenticator app. You can call the Xero technical support number and speak to a software expert to find out which app is compatible with your operating system so that you can download it and complete the installation steps. Once you download and install an authenticator app you can go through this article to get a general overview of how to set up two-step authentication using the Xero authenticator app.

Steps to set up Xero Authenticator

When you want to use Xero Authenticator you will need to set it up in the web version of Xero and then use it to log in into the mobile app. You can follow the instructions given below to set up Xero authenticator:

·        Step 1: Sign in to your Xero account and go to the ‘Account’ option.

·        Step 2: Open the ‘Two-step authentication’ settings and click ‘Setup.’

·        Step 3: Run the authenticator app and tap the plus icon to add an account.

·        Step 4: Scan the barcode that is shown in Xero using the authenticator app.

·        Step 5: If that does not work you can manually enter the account and key.

·        Step 6: Check your phone for an authentication code from Xero authenticator.

·        Step 7: Type the code in the given field in Xero and press ‘Next’ to continue.

·        Step 8: Select three security questions and provide answers for the same.

·        Step 9: Review the security questions and answers and click ‘Next.’

The security question are an added security level in case you do not have access to the Xero authenticator app. After you enter your security questions your two-step authentication set up process is complete and can be used the next time you want to sign in to your Xero account. If you have any trouble completing the steps mentioned above, you can call the Xero customer support number and reach out to a trained software technician to complete the set up process and begin using Xero authenticator. Xero software experts are available 24 hours a day and will be able to give you detailed solutions for any technical error you may encounter while using Xero.

Source URL: How to set up Xero Authenticator

Xero is one of the most efficient cloud-based accounting software that is available in the world. This software ensures that users are able to handle their accounting needs effectively. Being a cloud-based software, this enables the users to access the information from any desired location. There are often certain issues which the users come across while using this software and the users over and over again require some professional assistance. For situations like these, Xero has provided users with     Xero technical support.This is a service which is highly reliable and can easily be approached by the users. With the help of this service, it is ensured that there are no users who are caught up malfunctions.

The users can easily connect with this customer service by dialing their toll-free number or even by connecting them through their web-based services such as chat or email. The executives at this service are swift in their functioning and make sure that the average waiting time is not more than 1-2 minutes. These executives are highly trained and possess vast experience. This ensures that the users attain a solution to their issue in the least possible time. The customer support service provided by Xero also provides the users with a call-back option where the users can request a call back from the technicians. Being an accounting software, Xero is a crucial aspect of any organization, and hence it is important that the software runs without any glitch or even if a glitch is encountered, it should be solved at the earliest. The users can have a sense of relief by knowing that the solutions to the issues which they face is just a call away.

Services provided by Xero Helpline Number

Some services which the customer support number of Xero brings to the users are as given below:

24x7 Technical Support: This customer service can be reached by the users at any hour of the day and on all seven days of the week. This makes sure that the users would get assistance at any given point. The users can dial the toll-free digits of the customer care and directly connect with the customer care executives.

Complete Customer Satisfaction: The technicians at this service are specialists of their respective field. They have a complete understanding of how to handle critical situations. The executives handle every issue which the customer has with the utmost care. They get to the core of the malfunction and then bring out the best possible solutions.

Efficient and Expert Opinion: The technicians at this service always make sure that the users get the most efficient opinions regarding the issue which they face. They understand the importance of their role and work accordingly. Not only do they provide the best solutions, but they also provide these solutions in the least possible time.

When things are put to a conclusion, it is best to say that the users have the ideal option of connecting with Xero tech support whenever they are faced with a malfunction. This is the most effective way by which the users can resolve the problem.

Source URL: Contact XERO Helpline Number

Xero accounting software serves the users at a greater approach to help them in their accounting and bookkeeping needs. It also offers you to proceed with bank reconciliation with some easy steps. You need to do bank reconciliation when you compare your sales and expenses record and against the bank statements, and it helps you to verify the numbers and accounting status. Now you need to learn the process of Bank reconciliation and the easy process to perform. You can call at Xero customer service  and get the easy steps to complete the process. You can follow this blog till the end to get the complete information about bank reconciliation.

Steps to perform bank reconciliation:

1.     Get bank records:

To start the process, you will require the list of transactions from the bank. You can ask for the account statement from internet banking, or you can use Xero software to access the accounting information. You would require credit card information as well.

2.     Get business records:

You need to access your income and outgoing ledger. You can use logbook, spreadsheet or accounting software methods to store this information.

3.     Find your starting point:

When you get balance accounts, you need to look at the starting balance in your account and start the reconciliation from there.

4.     Run through a bank account:

You need to consider the deposit as income in your accounts. You need to figure out missing entries.

5.     Check the income on your books:

Next, you need to make a match of the deposit to the bank statements and find out the reasons for missing entries.

6.     Run through the bank withdrawals:

You need to check if all the bank deposits are displaying in the record books, including bank fees.

7.     Check the expenses on your books:

Check all the entries carefully to mark every expenses you have made. Also, mark those payments that are due and missing.

8.     End balance:

After completing all those exercises, you need to match the total in your business accounts, and it should be the starting point for your next bank reconciliation.

Bank reconciliation with Xero software:

Xero helps you immensely to get the right track for bank reconciliation. Below are some points to denote how it can help you:

1.     Xero helps you make a match.

2.     Xero software setup the bank rules easily.

3.     Xero suggests you get the right direction.

4.     Xero software provides you a proper space and interface to complete the process.

Above you have been provided a proper solution with a step-by-step guide to performing bank reconciliation, but if you need further support then contact at Xero technical support and get the guided support.


Source URL:Bank reconciliation in Xero

Xero Customer Support is a highly efficient customer service provider which is available for the users to use. This customer service is highly capable of providing the users with all the required solutions for the issues which they might come across using the Xero Software. Xero is well-renowned customer support service, which is used all across the globe, and hence the chances of coming across a malfunction are not surprising. Keeping this in mind, the creators of Xero have provided the users with Xero customer service. The users can easily connect with this customer support with the help of a toll-free number, which makes things all the more easier. The users would directly be connected with a trained executive who has the complete knowledge of how to handle issues which might arise while using this software. Hence most often, the user would not have to worry if they come across any issue while using the Xero Accounting software.

What is the need for Xero Customer Support?

Malfunctioning and encountering glitches are something which no software is immune to, these are things which are highly common and would come up at any given point. There are several situations where the users would come across the need of some technical assistance. Especially when the software that you are using is accounting software. Accounting in itself is not an easy thing. Sometimes even the most simple accounts would possess the biggest issue. Xero provides the users with this remote assistance, which would help them to handle such situations efficiently. This service is very convenient for the users as it can be accessed at any hour of the day, and the users can seek assistance regarding any issue which is related to the software.  

Reasons to trust Xero Support Service

The Xero Customer service is ranked among one of the most trusted customer services in the world. They provide users with the most authentic services possible. They also provide the users with several reasons why this customer service should be trusted above others:

·        They offer the users with a 24x7 support service.

·        They cater to all the complication which the user would encounter.

·        The solution which the executive provide is always the most effective way to solve the issue.

·        The users are always connected to a highly trained executive who has the complete knowledge of handling customer’s issues.

·        These customer support executives ensure that the solutions are provided at the shortest time possible.

·        They completely eradicate the issue from the root cause ensuring that this problem would not come up ever again.

·        This customer service also aids users with issues in e-filing and other features.

·        These executives ensure that users receive complete customer satisfaction. 

Hence it is always the best alternative which the users would have when they come across an issue which they are unable to solve themselves. Dialing the toll-free number Xero technical support would ensure that the users get adequate assistance that is required.


Source URL: Contact XERO Customer Support Number

The idea of setting up a new business is a job that takes a lot of effort. While working on setting up a new business, there is a lot of things that the users would have to give their attention t, and this is in no way an easy task. A major part of starting a new business is the accounting perspective. Xero can efficiently aid a user who is willing to start a new business, as this software provides the users with all the necessary features needed by the users. The users can get a clear understanding of this by doing a complete run through this blog. The users would also have an alternate option of connecting with Xero tech support phone number ,where the users would get all the assistance that is required.

Understanding the use of Xero in a new business

If the user is buying or selling good and service, then it is necessary that the business is registered for the Goods and Services Tax (GST).

GST is mandatory for the following reasons:

·        If your business has a GST turnover of $75,000 or more.

·        If your non-profile organization has a turnover of $150,000 per year or more.

·        If you are an overseas business importing services, digital products, or goods worth less than $1000 and make over $75,000.

With the help of Xero, you would simply require to set up the software accurately, and you would need to know whether you are on a cash basis or accruals basis.

The process of computing GST on ‘Cash Basis’ using Xero

Xero’s cash basis GST return is when the user pays money for something in return for a product. The transactions that you would have to provide in your Xero data file are as given below:

·        Invoice payments received

·        Bills Paid

·        Expense claims paid

·        Manual journals on the journal date where the checkbox shows journal on cash basis reports are selected.

·        Spend money transactions.

·        Receive money transactions

The process of computing GST on ‘Accrual Basis’ using Xero

Xero’s accruals basis GST return is when you receive any payment for a sale, or when you receive the invoice from your supplier or if you make a payment for something that you have purchased. The transactions that you would have to provide in your Xero data file are as given below:

·        Invoices on the invoice date

·        Bills on the bill date

·        Expense claims on the reporting date

·        Manual journals on the journal date

·        Spend money transactions

·        Receive money transaction

These are basics that you would need to understand while using the Xero software for a newly started business. If you fail to understand any given information, you can easily connect with Xero customer service phone number, where the professionals would give you detailed information about the features and functions.


Source URL: Xero-Starting Your New Business and GST

Xero is an advanced company that is based in New Zealand and offers complete support for accounting and bookkeeping needs and provides quality assurance of business services to the small and mid-sized businesses. Now it is offering Xero online accounting software that can help you immensely to process your accounting needs from anywhere. Now if you need to know the process of downloading and installation, you should call at  Xero support number and get the most prominent support related to issues with Xero. This product is subscription based and can be accessed after you buy a subscription package. It has a lot of advanced features to offer that make it easy for you to process your complex accounting software from anywhere in the world.

The problems solved by Xero Online Accounting Software:

These are some benefits that can be accessed by the latest Xero online accounting software.

1.     You can access your business from anywhere

The most important benefit that you can get is accessing your business from any corner of the world and form any of the devices such as a tablet, PC or mobile.

2.     It helps you to get your real-time position

You can get the instant daily report for your financial transactions, and credit card reports on your Xero dashboard that helps you to get the accurate position of your business.

3.     It can easily collaborate with your team

You can share the access of Xero software with your employees and team to the areas they need to do their job and easily can help you with your Xero account.

4.     You can make an easy invoice and better cash flow

You can easily create an invoice and send them to the marketers or customer to get the online payment easily fast.

5.     It protects your data with a secured protection

While using the Xero online accounting software, your data will be protected and safe to help you get relaxed and easily access your business information.

Top features of Xero online accounting software

·        It offers you recurring professional invoices that can easily be updated

·        You can use Xero mobile app on iPhone and iPad and all other Android devices

·        It provides you easy tracking process for sales and purchases to speed up inventory items

·        It can be used in multi-currency to help you attain the global approach

·        It allows more than 700 third-party apps that make access easy

·        It allows you to attach files related to invoice and bills easily to your Xero online account

Get the expert support for further assistance

Now you are fully aware of the Xero online accounting software, and you can easily avail the service by buying the subscriptions. In case you face any problem regarding the software you should call at Xero contact number and get the proficient support.


Source URL: Xero Online Accounting Software

Xero is outstanding software for accounting and helps companies and individuals to fulfill their requirements in accounting and bookkeeping. To avail the services of Xero software you need to buy a subscription for that. Now there may be some issues while working with the subscription. However, Xero offers complete support to its users but issues with Xero subscription may lead you into the puzzling situation. To fix these issue you can contact at Xero customer support numberwhere you will be getting easy solutions. Now in this blog, you will get to know about some issues with Xero subscription.

1.    Subscription payment issues:

Once you get the subscription for Xero software you should get the full access of accounting software but that doesn’t happen all the time. There could be reasons given below that prevent you from proceeding even after subscribing. Check out these problems

When your payment details are changed you need to process a payment for any overdue charges other it won’t allow working further

When you attempt to make a payment but it got failed due to some reason then you can’t process with Xero subscription. You have to make payments again to confirm the Xero subscription.

If your payment is overdue, you also won’t be able to access Xero software. Then you need to make an immediate to continue the Xero services.  

2.    The issue with the credit or debit card details updates:

Sometimes you may get an error message while trying to update your credit or debit card details. There may be some specific reason for that such as credit card or debit card has already expired or auto-fill programs like LastPass or KeePass is creating issues. You should also try to delete caches or cookies in your browser or you can use Xero checkup tool to process a system checkup and get rid of the issue.

3.    Issues related to organization’s subscriber:

Now in some cases, you get a subscription issue due to the organization’s subscriber when the subscriber leaves the company without transferring the subscription.  To remove the issue you need to log into subscriber’s Xero account and easily can transfer the subscription.

In case you don’t have the access of subscriber’s account then you should contact Xero technical support numberand get the prominent support regarding your subscription issues that bothers you. Complete professional support will be provided to you that you can easily fix the issue.  Now you have all the issue cleared with the solutions as well.

Source URL: Issues with your Xero subscription


Xero is a sophisticated software that is the perfect solution for accounting and bookkeeping needs and offers quite effective features that enhance the user experience in a unique way. It is developed by a New Zealand based public software company “Xero” that has a quality understanding of the user’s requirement and their changing needs. Xero software has some great features to offer its users in a promising way. It provides complete assurance of guaranteed security and delivers promising support to the users in their accounting needs. It the most preferred software for small and mid-sized companies but with the latest updates and astounding features it has become the best choice of big ventures as well. Now if you want to reactive your Xero organization with some simple steps, you can do it by contacting at Xero customer support where you will be getting prominent support and complete assurance of perfect assistance. However, this article will also help you complete the process.

Notable points before reactivating your Xero organization:

Before initiating the process you need to keep in your mind some important points that are necessary for you to know. Here are some key points:

·        You will need to reactivate your organization when you want to access a canceled subscription

·        Except for the subscriber no other person can reactivate Xero organization

·        Any charges that should be implemented will be added to your next subscription invoice

How to reactive your Xero organization?

Now you have to get acknowledged about prior information before processing the reactivation Xero organization. The process is simple and easy to follow and one can complete the process with such ease without the deep knowledge or Xero software. Now without wasting any time further, you should follow these steps mentioned below:

·        Go to the Xero software

·        Now select the organization name that you want to reactivate and then click on “My Xero”

·        You need to click on the option “Reactivate”

·        You will get a window showing your plans. You need to confirm it and proceed further by clicking on “Continue to billing address”

·        Then choose the billing account

·        Now to add subscription you need to click on “Keep this account” or “Switch to this account”.

·        Then check the pricing plan and make sure that is correct then proceed further by clicking on “Confirm”

·        At last click on the option “Authorize payment” to complete the process

As you have witnessed that the process is simple and easy to follow. However, if you need any requirement further for the support you should call at Xero customer service and get the complete support by the expert and experienced tech support professionals.

Source URL: Reactivate your Xero organization


This blog contains an overview of the Xero subscription invoices and how you can check it. You will also read about other important details when it comes to online subscriptions. Just keep on reading this blog till the end and all your queries will be responded. When you start using the Xero accounting software for your financial purposes, every month an online invoice for the Xero subscription is sent to the email address. The email address is the same that you had mentioned in your billing account. Firstly you need to view the invoice in the web browser, then save it either as a draft bill or PDF/CSV file. You can also talk to the adepts at Xero customer care phone number if you do not wish to indulge in technical matters on your own. But it will be advised that you first read this blog and then take an informed decision.

How can you view and save the online subscription invoice?

·        As discussed, every month an online invoice gets issued. You can view it from the web browser.

·        To save the invoice as a draft bill you can,

üThe invoice which will get generated has a Xero icon on the top right corner. Click on that.

üNow select the organization into which you wish to save the information. This is done if you have more than one organization

üNow save the bill draft and press okay.

·        If you wish to save it as a PDF or CSV, then click on the option ‘Save to’ and choose the correct format which you like.

·        But make sure that you have been logged into the Xero accounting software.

How can you view the online statements?

·        In the invoice that has been generated, click on the option of ‘Recent Bills’ situated at the top left corner.

·        Now you can change the statement type depending on the time when you want to know your recent activity.

·        Once done, click on the invoice number that you want to open and save the copy.

How to view the subscription invoices in Xero?

·        Firstly you need to click on the organization name. Once it opens, just choose ‘Subscription and Billing’ and after that move to ‘Manage subscription’

·        After that select the ‘Subscriptions and Billing’ tab.

·        Now search for the billing account and from that click on the option which reads as ‘View invoices to check your statement.

·        Now the invoices will open date wise along with the number, due date, amount, balance, etc.

·        Click on any invoice number that you wish to check

·        You can now save it as a bill or download it as a file.

So this was the process to view your subscription in Xero accounting. It can be really easy if you follow the steps one by one. But if you are unable to save it as a PDF or CSV file or not able to view the subscription of some dates, then you must take the certified help from Xero customer support phone number which stays available 24*7.


Source URL: How do I check my Xero Subscription


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