fujielevators's blog

For most people, the escalator is simple. However, some people are afraid to ride escalators because they have experienced bad experiences before, they may have heard stories, warning signs, or simply because the escalators are large and noisy. Through practice and caution, anyone can take the elevator safely and quickly. Elevator Manufacturer Fuji has provided you with some help.

Know when to take the elevator. If you use crutches, walkers or wheelchairs, it is not safe to take the escalator. Similarly, if you have a lot of rolling luggage or a stroller, don't use an escalator. If your suitcase or stroller is out of balance, they will tip over and roll over. This will hurt the children in the stroller and hurt the passengers behind you.

Keep loose clothes away from the last step. These small, light items, such as the hem of a garment, can easily be "squeezed". Make sure your loose clothes are on your hands or on a high enough escalator to avoid being caught. Some people think that escalators can reach out and "catch" you.

Be careful with your luggage. Do not place handrails or other items on the handrails. Handrails can only be used on handrails. Put all the bags and parcels in your hands. Do not put them on the steps as they will be caught in the moving parts. If you take too many bags with one hand, it is best to take the elevator.

Properly stand on the escalator. Always facing the direction of movement. If you go the wrong way on the escalator, you may fall and get hurt. Remember to stand in the middle of the steps and keep your feet away from the side. Don't sit on the escalator even if you are tired. This is dangerous for you and other passengers.

