Is it useless an event Dofus Kamas from Rskingdom's blog

Is it useless an event Dofus Kamas in which you get products that are ceremonial? If a newbie lev 15 gets the exact same ceremonial item (which isn't even exchangeable), does that make your thing worth less? You got me here! I said there, if you'd have read, you would have noticed"more independence for pvm and pvp gamers, so that they don't feel forced to do the contrary of what and how they like the best way to perform". Request every pvm-er how s/he that is happy is when s/he has to devote whole bundles on pebbles obtainable from kolo for leveling up professions. They're way a lot of items now, for the prices for many mats from critters have dropped radically (and will still drop more) while the costs for pebbles from kolo have stayed the same, or have even raised.

To get a profession leveling procedure sustainable, most of pvm-ers find themselves forced to pvp, to receive the pebbles they want for all crafts. The day will come when even recall potions will need some type of pebble only accessible for kolo. How I see it, there ought to be a way about it, I do not know, like, alternative recipes: use XXX amounts of monsters resources and YYY amount of pebbles from kolo; or use XXXXX + AAAAA quantities of monster sources instead. When I talk out of pvp, I talk about it. Or why not create servers for pvp only, and for pvm only, and maybe a few for both genders; see where they'd be players?

What is the motivation for low / mid lev players to attend koth in areas that are so high for them, that they don't farm/ xp/ do nothing there? Not for now, anyhow. There should be some kind of tangible reward for attending koth/ ava fights. Some new tokens? Some new pebbles? Why not? I suppose you're some player, aren't you? You don't have Kamas Dofus Retro For Sale any clue on the amount of people who used to play with this game, even if they had been servers, a few years back. AND YES, BACK THEN THE GAME HAD MORE GRINDING THAN IT HAS NOW. : - maybe you'd like to visit with servers? To which veteran players proceed, and not in a number that is minor, because it created Ankama allow all to play 1. Xx edition of the game.

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