WoW has their WoW Tokens to solve RS gold from Rskingdom's blog

WoW has their WoW Tokens to solve RS gold the exact same issue. Its slightly more expensive, but its secure and guaranteed. GW2 enables a live conversion rate between Gold and utilizes Gems for their cosmetics and update purchases. Runescape uses Bonds. Is FFXIV. But, Gil in FFXIV is relatively worthless unless you're attempting to buy a huge house or some minions, so that is really why they do not have a gigantic Gil farming problem, (but they do still have a *lot* of websites dedicated to that kind of RWT).

All of your final points are on stage and correct. It was the easier, more economical, and most profitable way to fix the issue. But its also the that the healthiest for the in game market. I will clarify this way. They did a really* great job deciding to execute it. I believe it was *the* alternative. They throw darts and a lot of them overlook, but this is a bullseye. I don't think I will give them credit for thinking that it was the alternative that gave the maximum revenue to them, only *any* revenue generally would have been alright for them.

RS could have gone into the toilet if they did not make bonds. Free commerce removal because the stop gap to halt rwting shattered runescape. Because credit card companies were near banning RS buys on their cards due to each of the fraud they had no option. Therefore, it was either we never get trade that is free or buy bonds. I think bonds was the way to go.

Bonds did not get employed to combat the credit card issue although you are right in your points. This has been in 2007. If you say they'd gone into the bathroom or even for bonds, then how did they survive since 2007 for all those 5 years and became a ton more rewarding and successful in the process? They did not go without bonds into buy runescape 3 gold the bathroom till Jagex had the amounts of money banks could not refuse. In 2007 they were small.

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