Highly prized on Runescape's auction house from Sletrry's blog

"It has been amazing to see such devotion amongst those of you who've maintained playing RS gold Classic within the past couple of years," Jagex's farewell post states,"However, it's not all fun and games" Apparently, botting had turned into a serious problem and a growing list of game-breaking bugs were proving too hard to eradicate.

For many players whose formative years coincided with the dawn of the new millenium, RuneScape was the hangout of choice. In 2013, RuneScape attained a two million account landmark. The game obviously evolved since its first release -- with major updates in 2004 and 2013 -- players were still enthralled by retro sensibilities: a poll of 160,000 fans resulted in the restoration of hosts that were old, and this also makes Jagex's announcement even more bittersweet.

The good news -- since there's always a bright side to all -- is that RuneScape Classic servers continue to be online at this time, and Gielindor's doors will stay open for the next 3 months.Runescape creator Jagex increases $300K for mental health charities

Runescape creator Jagex has increased £225,000 ($305,000) within the last year to help encourage mental health charities CPSL Mind, The Prince's Trust, and YMCA Right Here.The studio has been working together with 3 associations on a local, national, and international level to cheap Runescape gold try and influence change and support young people struggling with psychological health.

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