The Maplestory M Evangelion event is available from Sletrry's blog

 Having IP prohibit in GMS, even in 2015, is a indicator that nexon wishes to kill the game permanently. Especially for Explorer, Cygnus Knight and non-Maplestory M Meso Demon/Xenon Resistance personalities (because those tend to get treated by the narrative as members of a group, rather than a particular person ).

Seriously, I can't be the only one who tends to dislike most of the present dialogue alternatives for speaking to Maplestory M NPCs (particularly ones who, quite honestly, create my character look dumb or childish). Would not it be cool if we can, upon making our personality, assign them a set of particular personality traits which would determine the wording of your quest dialog?

I had. He climbed up with me on my own neighborhood. Starting with Tibia, Runescape when we were around 11 years old, then because we'd 13, we played a lot MapleStory along with other friends as well.

1 day around 2008 (we quitted buy Maplestory mobile mesos) and we had been 15 years old, I messaged my friend through facebook to get on and play Xbox. He never responded, not major issue. The following day, October 7 2008, I started to observe how everybody began to put"RIP" in his FB wall. I simply didn't know how to behave in notice that is shocking.

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