Before I could start my own saga, however, I needed to generate income and purchase some basic supplies. My shopping list comprised potions to enhance my abilities, food to recoup my
runescape 3 gold, accessories to teleport to important areas, and magical stones known as runes that are used to fuel spells, most especially handy teleport spells. I decided to make money by coaching Hunter, one of Runescape's newest skills.
The basics of Hunter are simple: you put traps to capture little NPC creatures and harvest their carcasses for tools. It is among the most life sim-like abilities, and creating it was pleasurable for all the little subgoals involved.
From start to finish, I spent about 20 hours searching, and by the end I had a tidy cash pile to finance my questing and coaching. It was a long grind which took me a couple of days, but I enjoyed Hunter because I used different methods and visited many areas.
I started away snaring birds at the southwest, then proceeded onto butterflies and hedgehog-like creatures called kebbits in northern regions, until I could finally hunt small volatile raccoons known as chinchompas, which are highly prized on Runescape's auction
buy rs 3 gold, the Grand Exchange. As my Hunter degree improved, I needed to earn more and more experience to reach the next level, so that I looked forward to unlocking brand new, quicker ways to train, like moving from gray to reddish chinchompas.