Gold farming has Venezuelans targeted in Runescape from Sletrry's blog

It's not a great deal but it helps them create cheap Runescape gold than what they're currently making working as a fulltime professional due to the meltdown of the economy. Reports from the New York Times indicates that minimum wage means that individuals are just making $5 a month.

Regardless of the act of killing and targeting Venezuelan players appearing harsh, the reality is that some players claim to do it to uphold Jagex's terms and requirements in regards to selling gold for real cash.

Most entrepreneurs have rules against that kind of behaviour, and in addition, it measures into some very murky legal territory in regards to government regulation. Blizzard ran into similar problems with the Real-Money Auction House at Diablo 3, which caused all kinds of chaos.

Some individuals in the ribbon did indicate that maybe Jagex should have an event to permit individuals to donate money or give to help out the Venezuelans suffering from the financial collapse happening in their nation.

There appears to be a standstill regarding what people should really do to help. Many recognize that buying gold is contrary to the terms of service for Runescape but a few still feel as if fellow players shouldn't be left to starve in real life, particularly if farming for gold within a game can actually help feed families. It's a dreadful situation all the way around for sure.

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