Epic Games implemented it to Fortnite from Sletrry's blog

It is the time of year where families are coming together for the holidays, and this year, what all your kids and grandkids are obsessed with is quite likely to be fortnite items, the most popular video game on the planet, plus a worldwide phenomenon the likes of that the industry has rarely seen.While all my writing is about gaming stuff for gamers.

I thought I'd take a break for a moment to try and help out the uninitiated when it comes to comprehend what Fortnite is and why the kids/teens/adults in your life may be so hooked on it.But this past year, a brand new game genre known as"Battle Royale" was popularized largely by a game named PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, referred to by its acronym, PUBG.

Epic Games, the men and women who make Fortnite, were able to utilize their current game to quickly make a Battle Royale version of Fortnite. In Battle Royale games, a large number of gamers, typically around 100, drop onto a map from the air (a flying bus unloads them at Fortnite). They sail down to an island where they scavenge for weapons and other items on the ground, and they attempt to kill all other players so as to be the final person or team residing on the island out of 100.

There are a number of twists to this concept. To be able to prevent players just hiding in corners of the map, there is a deadly storm that shrinks over time, reducing the playable area of the island to become smaller and smaller, forcing players to battle one another.

In Fortnite, a further twist is that in addition to weapons and healing items and vehicles, a central part of the sport is constructing walls and platforms of outside timber, stone and metal which may be used to protect themselves from other gamers, or even offensively to try and get the drop on enemies. Construction is quite crucial to success in Fortnite, making it a lot different than other shooters.

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