while trying to go to RS gold the White Lands from Rskingdom's blog

At Runefest 2018 a diary by a Fremminik warrior named Fell Arnesson had been shared. In this diary we discover while trying to go to RS gold the White Lands, that Fell travelled out of Gielinor via a cave north of Relleka into Leng. Leng was a cold, icy uninhabited world distinguished by ice, which moved on as far as the eye could see, perpetuated by massive snowstorms and blizzards in the distance. However, Fell came to discover that Leng was occupied by at least three monsters - the first two of them were a giant, glacial-sized glacors, and a repulsive slug-like creature that was easy enough to slay but (sadly ) inedible. The third was what he described as a masked guy whose face he couldn't make out that didn't respond to some of his attempts to prevent him, talk to himpersonally, or anything else- that presumably suspended wanderer only walked in circles around the world of Leng, oblivious to all that surrounded him and that he did.

This Friday mods Rowley, Stu Chaose hey guys and myself will be on livestream talking everyone's favourite subject, Lore and Story. But we're currently trying to not reply lore particulars or spoil specific story minutes, i.e no we won't tell you where the Staff of Armadyl is. No we will not tell you maybe not or just how the Elder God's are going to buy 2007 runescape gold be appeased appeased. No we will not let you know all the gods ascended. Instead, we'd like you to think about more general discussion points, things that might explain how we come to story conclusions, or that give you an insight to what might have been. So we would like your subjects. Good Topics* What if - Require an occasion from RuneScape's previous and inquire what would have happened if it played out.

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