there is not just an opposite of RuneScape gold from Rskingdom's blog

This is especially true during Christmas time. We know through the 2011 Easter event that there is not just an opposite of RuneScape gold the Land of Snow, known as the Land of Sunlight, but that their boundaries meet at the Land of Holly and Hawthorn.The Land of Holly and Hawthorn (Now simply LoHH) is a special realm, constantly changing throughout the year according with whomever holds town. Housed this is the Season Tree, which keeps track of the equilibrium of the seasons throughout Gielinor. A tree should be noted that in the Land of Snow, we have visited many different areas throughout the years, as opposed from the Land of Sunrise to no places.

We also have confirmation that you will find at least 3 species native to the Land of Snow: Ice Sprites, Snow Imps, and people (or at least, humans who study magic). While it may be surprising that people reside in this land, it had been noted from the Snow Imp that since Gielinor along with also the Land of Snow are so near one another during Christmas time,""random men and women stumble across portals an' rise up in the Land of Snow". This includes Santa Claus, which explains how he met with the Queen of Snow.

Okay so I have been meaning to speak to someone about the elder artefacts, if anybody wants to read my ramblings they are greater than welcomeWe since the player have been assembling quite the assortment of (broken) elder artefacts1. The very first one I thought we was that the staff of armadyl (from ritual of this Mahjarrat) but it turns out that the green orb it had was inserted by armadyl along with the actual elder artefact"the siphon" is just the pole so mind! I guess. Then after we killed sliske in sliske's endgame everyone believed we had it for certain but Mod Raven affirmed that"Somebody" stole it from the player so... thoughts! x2. We sort of cheap RS gold have a part of kind of an elder artefact. Yay.2.

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