Loong Entertainment brings World of Kings to rest of the world from mmocs's blog

There are 9 classes to choose from at the beginning. This work plays very different from each other and serves a variety of play styles. From stealthy murderers and powerful magicians to brutal fighters and deft archers, there is something for everyone in World of Kings.

The first resource, anger, is used by Soldiers and Fighters to give strength to all their skills. This resource is generated with every automatic attack and through certain abilities. The next resource, MP, is just your default bar. Used by most spellcaster classes including Wizards, Mages, Dark Sages, and Paladins, MP recovers slowly from time to time in battle. Finally, energy is a special resource used by robbers and archers. Energy is quickly spent using some back-to-back skills, but regeneration is just as fast. If you want to Buy World of Kings Gold, I think is your best choice, after all, the site has been officially certified,so it's very safe.

Depending on the type of resource you are using, your fighting style will vary greatly. For example, the Warriors are about landing that heavy blow and gathering enough anger to release some powerful attacks. Meanwhile, Rogues specializes in providing fast attacks and accumulating hatred, special resources that are exclusive to this class, and then using that hatred to release powerful combo producers. Castors, on the other hand, are about maintaining uptime by throwing back-to-back spells while managing their MP.

The best part of class selection is that you can really preview what each class can do. By clicking "preview" on the right side of the class menu, you can enter another screen where you can try several different skills in each class. This will give you an idea of ​​what he can do, and what his role is in battle. If there is, if you are new to this genre, it will allow you to see which classes look coolest and help you make decisions based on that alone.

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