Amazon has Partnered With Ethereum Studio ConsenSys’ Kaleido | 討論區

Guangyaw May 18 '18

Amazon has Partnered With Ethereum Studio ConsenSys’ Kaleido

Amazon has partnered with blockchain incubator ConsenSys, an Ethereum-based cloud platform. With this partnership, Amazon aims to make the blockchain technology more accessible to customers of Amazon Web Services allowing them to build and manage their own blockchain platforms in an easy way. The company stated:

"Introducing Kaleido to AWS customers is going to help customers move faster and not worry about managing blockchain themselves."

Read more here

亞馬遜已與 ConsenSys的Kaleido合作
亞馬遜與ConsenSys合作一個基於以太坊的雲端平台。 藉由合作關係,亞馬遜的目標是讓亞馬遜網絡服務的客戶更容易接受區塊鏈技術,使他們能輕鬆構建和管理自己的區塊鏈平台。 該公司表示:
