Gemini to Roll Out Bitcoin and Ether Block Trading | 討論區

Guangyaw May 10 '18

Gemini to Roll Out Bitcoin and Ether Block Trading

Yesterday, Gemini, a cryptocurrency exchange said it will roll out block trading for Bitcoin and Ether. The feature allows customers to make high-volume trades that won't appear in the exchange's order book until they've been filled, with a minimum threshold of 10 bitcoin or 100 ether for the block trades and is planned to go live at 9:30 AM ET on Thursday. Consequently, block trading allows large traders such as hedge funds to buy or sell large quantities without having large immediate effects on the price. The exchange explained:

"In accordance with our commitment to an equitable, transparent, and rules-based marketplace, block orders will be electronically broadcast to participating market makers simultaneously, ensuring best execution and price discovery for those participating in the program."

Read more here

加密貨幣交易所 雙子座表示將推出比特幣和以太幣的大宗交易。 該功能允許客戶進行大量的交易,交易量最低為10比特幣或100以太幣
