BMW Test Drives Blockchain for Car Mileage Tracking | 討論區

Guangyaw May 9 '18

BMW Test Drives Blockchain for Car Mileage Tracking

BMW Test Drives Blockchain for Car Mileage Tracking
BMW is piloting a blockchain platform to track mileage in leased vehicles through its startup innovation program. The company has partnered with DOVU, a blockchain-based project to develop a system with Alphabet, the BMW fleet manager. The idea is that the system helps BMW understand how much activity its vehicles are seeing and the impact on them. Alex Morris, DOVU Head of Product explained:
"What we're doing is we're essentially trying to build out this circular economy on the DOVU platform. [Drivers] can earn tokens, but down the line they'll also be able to spend tokens on services - for example, they might be able to get replacement tires or something like that using the Dovu ecosystem."

Read more here
