Cryptocurrency Exchanges in Japan Must Comply With Five New Criteria | 討論區

Guangyaw May 9 '18

Cryptocurrency Exchanges in Japan Must Comply With Five New Criteria

Cryptocurrency Exchanges in Japan Must Comply With Five New Criteria

According to Nikkei, a news outlet, Japanese cryptocurrencies exchanges will have to comply with five new registration rules set by the Japanese Financial Services Agency (FSA). This initiative has come due to the agency goal to promote compliance and protect customer assets as well as avoid another digital currency heist like happened with Coincheck. The most notable measures concerns system management, money laundering preventative measures and management of customer assets.

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根據日經消息,日本加密貨幣交易所必須遵守日本金融服務局(FSA)制定的五項規則。 此倡議是因為該機構的目標保護客戶資產,並避免像Coincheck發生的其他數位貨幣搶劫行為。 最顯著的措施涉及系統管理,洗錢預防措施和客戶資產管理。

此文章編輯 by Guangyaw May 9 '18