ETH 2.0 Deposit Contract Reaches Threshold to Launch on Dec. 1 | 討論區

Guangyaw Nov 26 '20

ETH 2.0 Deposit Contract Reaches Threshold to Launch on Dec. 1






The smart contract set to trigger the first phase of Ethereum 2.0 now has enough funds in it to activate Ethereum’s ambitious upgrade that will shift the cryptocurrency’s economic model, resource usage and governance.

The Ethereum 2.0 deposit contract was released in early November, and now has more than 600,000 ETH worth over $378 million, above the 524,288 ETH threshold necessary to ensure Ethereum 2.0 will launch on December 1. The upgrade plans on solving a number of issues, including scalability.

The launch isn’t of the Ethereum 2.0 network itself just yet, but is for a parallel proof-of-stake blockchain dubbed “the beacon chain.” It will run alongside the existing ETH network and its initial development will not impact Ethereum and its existing applications.

The activation of the beacon chain is the first of four phases on the migration to Ethereum 2.0.


