Russia Drops Plans to Criminalize Bitcoin Transactions | 討論區

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Guangyaw Jul 22 '20

Russia Drops Plans to Criminalize Bitcoin Transactions






Russian news outlet Ria Novosti reports that Russian government has dropped plans to criminalize bitcoin transactions, changing the Digital Financial Assets Bill (DFA) to set aside an idea that would penalize BTC investors with fines up to $7,000 or seven years in jail.

The bill would also punish firms that operate or issue virtual currencies without approval from the Russian central bank with fines up to $28,000. For violating “the rules for transactions with cryptocurrencies,” firms could have been fined up to $13,900, and individuals up to $2,800.

Anatoly Aksakov, head of the parliament’s financial markets committee, commented that the revised bill removed mentions of these fines, saying:

“They’ve removed everything, there’s only a link that the regulation of digital currency will be determined in another law.”

The DFA’s current version, if approved, is expected to enter into force on January 1, 2021. Its current version merely goes into the definition of digital financial assets and establishes requirements for blockchain-based operations.


