New Coronavirus Legislation Eyes ‘Digital Dollar’ to Ease Recession | 討論區

Guangyaw Mar 24 '20

New Coronavirus Legislation Eyes ‘Digital Dollar’ to Ease Recession






Proposed legislation meant to support the U.S. economy during the coronavirus pandemic includes a recommendation to create a digital dollar that could help people survive the shutdown of businesses and “shelter-in-place” orders that have seen unemployment grow.

According to the draft bills shared, dubbed the “Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act” and the “Financial Protections and Assistance for America’s Consumers, States, Businesses, and Vulnerable Populations Act,” the country’s central bank, the Federal Reserve, could use a “digital dollar” to send payments to “qualified individuals.” These payments would be of $1,000 for minors and $2,000 for adults, and would be sent to digital wallets.

The bills read:

“The term ‘digital dollar’ shall mean a balance expressed as a dollar value consisting of digital ledger entries that are recorded as liabilities in the accounts of any Federal Reserve bank; or an electronic unit of value, redeemable by an eligible financial institution (as determined by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System).”

The Federal Reserve would maintain the digital wallets for recipients. Member banks could maintain a “pass-through digital dollar wallet.” Neither bill mentions the use of decentralized blockchain technology, or any cryptocurrency project.

The proposed legislation comes as all major U.S. stock market indexes dropped over 30% from their all-time highs over the coronavirus pandemic. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is, according to The Street, on track to see its worst month since 1931.


