Litecoin Creator Proposes Miners Voluntarily Donate 1% to Developers | 討論區

Guangyaw Feb 2 '20

Litecoin Creator Proposes Miners Voluntarily Donate 1% to Developers






The creator of Litecoin, Charlie Lee, has on social media proposed the use of mining pool donations as a method of dunging the cryptocurrency’s developers. On Twitter, Lee said he believes a “better way to fund development is mining pools voluntarily donate a portion of the block reward.”

He added that is Litecoin pools donate 1% of blocks rewards to the Litecoin Foundation, the organization would receive about $1.5 million worth of LTC per year. Lee continued:

“Currently with merged mining of Dogecoin and other Scrypt coins, miners make 105%+ of block rewards. So 1% is a reasonably small amount to give back towards funding a public good.”

Speaking to Cointelegraph Litecoin’s creator confirmed a mere 1% would be enough to fund the Litecoin Foundation, as the amount would equal “about 7x” the organization’s early expenses. He stressed the donations would be voluntary as otherwise it “wouldn’t be right.”

The proposal comes after last week Bitcoin Cash miners proposed a 12.5% miner tax to fund the cryptocurrency’s developers. The proposal, supported by miners representing over 30% of the network’s hashrate, would see the miners orphan blocks of those that “don’t follow the plan” to “ensure participation” and “avoid a tragedy of the commons.”


