Dutch Bank ING Said to Be Entering Cryptocurrency Custody Space | 討論區

Guangyaw Dec 15 '19

Dutch Bank ING Said to Be Entering Cryptocurrency Custody Space






Reuters has reported Dutch bank ING has been working on technology to help its clients safely store cryptocurrencies, citing “people familiar with the matter.” The report claims the crypto custody project is being run out of Amsterdam and is still in its early days.

Speaking to Reuters an ING spokesperson stated the financial institution sees “increase opportunities with regard to digital assets on both asset backed and native security tokens.” The bank added that it’s particularly interested in the technology behind cryptocurrencies, and in giving its clients a compliant way to access the nascent industry.

Various traditional financial firms have been entering the cryptocurrency space over the last few months. Fidelity, for example, has launched its Fidelity Digital Assets unit to provide cryptocurrency custody and trading services to institutional investors, while Japanese bank Nomura announced last year it was to set up a venture called Komainu to offer the same type of services.

Reuters pointed out, however, that a study it conducted of over 33 projects involving large companies that announced over the past four years they would be exploring blockchain technology showed most haven’t yet moved past their testing phase.


