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جهاز ليزر فيليبس
اخيرا و بعد ٤ سنوات من اخر اصدار لفيليبس لوميا جهاز الليزر المنزلي لازالة الشعر اعلنت فيليبس عن اصدارها الجديد لعام ٢٠٢١ .
تم الاعلان عن الاصدار الجديد بتاريخ 01/01/2021 بمواصفات متطابقة نع الاصدار العاشر السابق Bri956 من فئة بريستيج مع فرق جوهري وحيد و هو عدد الومضات و التي زادت لتصل ٤٥٠ الف ومضة .
تأتي الفئة الجديد من فيليبس لوميا series 9000 بثلاث اصدارات كما يلي:
BRI955:ب 3 ملحقات وجه ، جسم ، اماكن حساسة
BRI957: ب 4 ملحقات وجه ، جسم ، ابط ، بكيني
BRI958: ب 4 ملحقات وجه ، جسم ، ابط ، بكيني
الفرق بين BRI957 و BRI958 اللون فقط حيث يأتي BRI957 بلون وردي لطيف و BRI958 بلون ذهبي داكن.
ليزر فيليبس لوميا
الليزر المنزلي
The idea is that the teachers of the Quran learned the Holy Quran from their predecessors, and the precedents learned from their predecessors, and so on until the first teacher, Muhammad (peace be upon him), who received it from the angel Gabriel (peace be upon he) who was sent by Allah (SWT). Therefore, Quran tutors are considered to be the best source for getting Quranic education.
learning tajweed

Anyone who examines the science of the Tajweed Quran realizes the truth of this knowledge. It is drawn only from the mouths of sheikhs and readers who are distinguished by their mastery of reading, decision-making and articulation. Consequently, the student can only obtain this knowledge from a qualified Quran teacher.
Learning quran school

Consequently, if you are a complete beginner, do not try to learn to read and recite the Quran on your own without supervision, otherwise you will not be spared the mistake.

The idea is that the teachers of the Quran learned the Holy Quran from their predecessors, and the precedents learned from their predecessors, and so on until the first teacher, Muhammad (peace be upon him), who received it from the angel Gabriel (peace be upon he) who was sent by Allah (SWT). Therefore, Quran tutors are considered to be the best source for getting Quranic education.


The history of Islamic education in Nigeria cannot be complete without a rethinking of our minds on the impacts it has had on the world at large. Islamic education typically began with the first Quranic revelation to the prophet of Islam, Muhammad (SAW). The first five verses revealed contained clear guidelines for him and the rest of the Muslims to pursue the course of knowledge, which means that religion is firmly rooted in the pursuit of knowledge. The verses in question are as follows:
In the name of Allah, the most beneficial, the most merciful
1. Read in the Name of your Lord that he created;
2. Created man of frozen blood;
3. Read and your Lord is the greatest;
4. Who teaches man to use the pen;
5. Teach man what he did not know; (Q96: 1-5)