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Gravity concentration depends on the behavior and response of gravity and centrifugal force to different particle densities and sizes. Throughout the process, the stream spirals down along the gravity concentration and can accumulate 2 or 3 mineral grades. This means your Concentration Equipment can provide more accurate and efficient downstream processing. Golden Machinery provides the use of different minerals.

Coal preparation

After sorting and sieving, the pulverized coal downstream of the cyclone is treated by gravity concentration.

Iron ore beneficiation

Gravity concentration is used for iron ore processing. After a series of screening processes, the large components of the spiral concentrator are located downstream of the cyclone separator group and are used to classify the iron ore fines from the waste.

Gold dressing

The gravity concentration spiral in the gold concentrate can be used for carbon removal. As throughput increases, costs can be significantly reduced.

Platinum beneficiation

Gravity concentration is the flow used to separate the chromium that has been classified from the main platinum stream through the desiccant screen.

Estimates such as this highlight the need for new discoveries, extracting more efficient elements from known reserves, processing mine waste or tailings, and recycling industrial and municipal metal-rich waste. The focus of this review is on the extraction of metal minerals, especially polymetallic ores, waste rock or tailings, using proven technologies and outstanding innovation potential variants.

You can click here for more information on Hydrometallurgy Equipment

Hydrometallurgy involves the extraction of metallurgical, scientific, technical, and chemical combinations from various metal-containing sources to recover metals. These sources include ores, solutions, recycled materials, waste streams, intermediates and mineral concentrates that are converted into products that are useful to society. A method and apparatus for hydrometallurgical leaching of unseparated broken mineral ore using a vessel having a liquid flow forming nozzle at a lower portion thereof. The Hydrometallurgy Equipment provided by Zhejiang Golden Machinery Factory has high working efficiency.

This is a method of extracting a metal or a metal compound from ore by pretreatment, which involves separating the impurities and the precipitate using a leaching agent. It is used to extract uranium, gold, zinc, silver and copper from low-grade ore, and has been improved by solvent extraction and ion exchange.

The various technologies used in these processes include:

Leaching, autoclave, column, atmospheric pressure and high pressure acid depending on metal ore

Recycling, carbon leaching and carbon sizing, oxidation, biological or pressure methods and cementation

Solution purification, ion exchange, solvent extraction, electrolytic precipitation, precipitation and process simulation to determine the flow chart design

This broader technical field is highly efficient in on-site metal production and is part of an increasing number of metallurgical processes. It involves research, research and new technologies to obtain pure metals and better metal extraction options.

For more information, you can click Concentration Equipment