marcelbridge's blog

Even with the best preparation for the transition to college, you will certainly panic a bit but the good thing is that you can easily handle the situation. The use of will help you to deal with your assignments before you get the hand of it.


Your fellow students and friends who have gone through it will help you out in this, by advising you on the steps to take. The first thin g you should do however is to be with people who you understand. You need friends but not just any friends, a person whom you can connect with is better than one that you will simply be meeting in class or the dining hall. Go for the like-minded friends and they are many in your new environment. You find them in the groups that you will join, and through interactions you will understand every person’s focus to determine whether you will be in the same wavelength. Friends whose character will match with yours usually do the similar this as you do.


You will hence end up meeting in the same places when relaxing after class. You will attend the same events and more importantly you might even end up in the same discussion groups.

