downloadaolgold's blog

Sometimes after performing an update of windows, some software may appear to perform abnormally. And this is because of compatibility issues. Same is the case with AOL Desktop Gold and Windows 10. Customers of desktop gold have noticed that after they updated their windows to version 10, the desktop gold software stops responding or working. This is because of a clash between software programs of windows and desktop gold. And although man you might know what to do when such a problem occurs, there may be plenty left who may be confused and who may be wondering how to fix this. Well, for those of you pondering about the possibility of a solution, you are in the right place. In this blog, you will see how you can resolve Download AOL Gold Software problem by utilizing some troubleshooting steps. However, if you want a more professional take on this matter, you can call the executives at the 24x7 online customer service of AOL.

To solve this problem once and for all, you should use the compatibility mode in windows 10. Although this isn’t a new technique, it has proven to be very effective in resolving issues like this. So if you want to know how you can use this method to fix the problem, follow the steps mentioned below:

·       On your windows desktop screen, open ‘properties’ by clicking on the right button of the mouse.

·       Now, under properties, you need to locate and open the ‘compatibility’ menu.

·       After that, choose the version of windows you would like to use and confirm it by clicking ‘ok’.

·       And if you still have problems, launch the compatibility troubleshooter and follow the wizard to fix the issue.

By running this compatibility mode you can go back to a version and start using AOL desktop Gold normally again. To prevent this from happening in the future make sure you check the requirements before you reinstall AOL desktop Gold. If you need any assistance or help, you can get in touch with the AOL customer service and present your problem to them to avail their help.


Read More: AOL desktop gold upgrade

Source URL: AOL Desktop Gold software not working