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QuickBooks is considered as the most promising accounting software that easily takes care of all of your needs to process the accounting and bookkeeping necessities. It provides you a greater facility to ease the accounting exercise. However, sometimes you may get an issue with QuickBooks that is error code 5502 which can occur at the time of storing the data in your QuickBooks account. There are some easy steps to troubleshoot this error that you can find in this article while you also have an option to call at   QuickBooks Customer Care      to get the issue fixed.

Simple methods to solve the QuickBooks Error 5502

There are several reasons that can cause the QuickBooks error 5502 and you can get the easy fixes by following these simple methods:

Method 1.This quite an easy method that you can apply manually by protecting your computer and the data of the software by our own and make a complete task to remove the issue. You need to apply these steps:

·        You need to find them .ND file in the company document

·        Now hit the right click to rename the file

·        By using the QuickBooks data server scan the file

·        Now you may be seeing your files name and that means your problem is solved

·        Now you can press the “Ok” button and proceed to scan

Method 2.If you not able to solve your issue with the above-mentioned method and still getting the error message you should follow these steps:

·        Create a new folder where you need to copy the company document file

·        Now you need to rename them .QBM file and save the file

·        With.QBB you have to rename the extension

·        Now restore all the backups

Method 3.You can verify the sync manager. The recent updates of the QuickBooks are able to fix all the bugs and make it easy for you to process the removal of error. You can complete this easy process by following these given methods:

·        Update the latest sync manager

·        Now log in to the system as an administrator

·        Then reboot your system to complete the process

Get the QuickBooks support for better assistance:

Once you apply these methods you will be solving your issues with an easy application. However, in some cases, problem are much deeper than it appears and you get failed all the time while solving your issue on your own. In such cases, you need expert support and complete guidance you perform the globally proven methods. You need to call at QuickBooks Tech Support Number   and get the quality support from the expert community that will be solving your issues with easy fixes.



Read More -   QuickBooks Support Number  

Source URL:   How to fix QuickBooks error code 5502




QuickBooks is one of the most sought after accounting software that is currently prevalent in the market. They have been effectively catering to all the needs of the users for several years now. QuickBooks take care of all the accounting needs that an organization would come across. Even though they have been soaring high in the market, it is not without having to encounter any snags or malfunctions. QuickBooks users often come across certain malfunctions when they are using the software for their accounting purposes. One of the most common errors that they face is the ‘Error Code 80029c4a’. This is an error which occurs when one or more files of the program are removed or damaged. This is one error which can also be seen on QuickBooks Pro.

This problem is faced by the users when they make unregistered destinations and also while presenting the QuickBooks Pro programming in the wrong way. There are also high chances that your antivirus software would also be causing this malfunction. This error might get your work all caught up, hence it is important that you understand about the problem and the root causes of this problem. To do so, you can promptly connect with QuickBooks Customer Care     
and clear all your doubts.

There are multiple ways in which you would be able to find that your system is facing the error code 80029c4a. A short list of these symptoms are given below:

·        Your computer screen displays ‘Error Code 80029c4a’

·        You find your active program windows to crash abruptly

·        The QuickBooks program starts to crash regularly showing the error 80029c4a

·        You would also find your system to be responding slowly to your mouse and keyboard commands

·        You would also experience complete freezing of your system

It is always important that you are able to find the root cause of the issue in order to completely eradicate the issue.

Causes of QuickBooks Error Code 80029c4a

The reasons because of which you would be encountering the QuickBooks Error Code 80029c4a are as given below:

·        Inaccurate download of QuickBooks

·        Unfinished installation of the QuickBooks software

·        Corruption encountered in the Windows registry

·        When your system has been affected by some virus or malware

·        When the QuickBooks related files have been corrupted

·        A program on your system unknowingly deletes QuickBooks related files

Ways to fix QuickBooks Error Code 80029c4a

It is necessary that you resolve the QuickBooks error at the earliest to be able to resume your work on QuickBooks.

·        You would have to use the Shortcut Windows + E and open the file explorer

·        Then choose the partition Local Disk (C :)

·        Navigate to the program files folder

·        Then you would have the open the QuickBooks Enterprise Solution 10.0

·        In this folder, you would have to find and double click on the .bat file

·        Then run the reboot.bat file successfully after which you can restart your system

·        Once when your system complete reboot, check whether the issue remains or not

If you find yourself still caught up with this error, there is nothing to be worried about. You can promptly connect with the  QuickBooks Tech Support Number 
and avail professionals assistance in solving your problem. This service is available throughout the day and is completely free of cost. Users can effectively solve their problems without having to burn a hole in their pockets.


Read More  -       QuickBooks Support Number    

Source URL:      How to resolve QuickBooks Error Code 80029c4a


 QuickBooks is a highly reliable accounting software that is of great help to small businesses. Using this software the life of accountants and business owners are simplified to a huge extent. This software takes over all the accounting and payroll tasks for the users. Moreover, this software is accurate and provides the users with efficient results. One can easily feel that this software would be completely flawless, but that is not the case. There are certain setbacks the users of this software comes across with. One of the major defects that this software suffers with is the error 31059 which affects the payroll feature.


Users encounter this error when the company file is corrupted, when the EIN status is inactive or even with there is some kind of complication or error in the installation process of QuickBooks. If you come across this error while using this software, there isn’t much to worry about. QuickBooks provides its users with an efficient customer care service. You can easily connect with the    QuickBooks Customer Service     where the customer can easily connect with trained professionals and avail their service to counter any issue that you have come across with the software. This service is available on a 24x7 hour basis and it completely free of charge.


There are multiple ways in which you can overcome this issue. You can choose to counter the issue using the system restore method or even by adding EIN to the company file. If you are not able to succeed using one method you can always opt for the other given option.

Method 1: Conducting system restore in windows

·        In the search box of the start menu, search for ‘System Restore’

·        After you find the option, opt for it and use the admin password

·        You would be provided with the instructions that need to be followed

·        Follow every step accurately

·        Once all the steps are complete, your system would be restored to the previous setting



Method 2: Add EIN to the company file

·        The first thing to be done it to log in to QuickBooks

·        After you log in successfully, choose the payroll menu and look for ‘Use my existing payroll service’ option

·        When you select this option, you would be provided with a new window with the name ‘Account Maintenance’, choose the ‘Add file’ button that is available

·        After you select the said button, you would be provided with an option which says ‘Add EIN number’ along with a radio button

·        If you find the radio button to be disabled, it means you have accurately subscribed or activated the EIN number

·        Inthe end, review and refine all the information and then return to QuickBooks

By strictly following the steps you would be able to solve the error 31059 effectively. If not and you find some additional technical errors it is suggested that you connect with the   QuickBooks Customer Support Number    and avail their professional assistance to overcome your issue instantly.


Read More -          QuickBooks Contact Number      

Source URL : QuickBooks payroll error 31059