aolemsilcustomercare's blog

AOL has been providing a great service of email and browsing to the users, but it may get a tough job for you when you try to deactivate your AOL email account. As no services like to lose customer, AOL also does not provide options to delete your account. At one moment you may even find it impossible to delete the AOL account, but with some newer developed ways, you can now deactivate or delete your account. This blog will provide you complete information, but if you are unable to get the exact solution, then you should call at AOL Email Customer Care Number for better assistance. 

Notable points before deleting your AOL account:

Now if you have decided your AOL email account, then you should focus on these pints before initiating the process otherwise you may land into trouble. 

1.You only can deactivate or delete AOL account if you have access the AOL account. If you have forgotten the password then before initiating the process, you need to reset the password. 

2.Once you delete the account, you will be no longer able to receive emails. So before deleting the AOL email account, you should have an alternate email address. 

3.If you delete your account, then all the premium services linked to your AOL account will be canceled. 

A complete solution to delete AOL email account:

Now you may have noted these pointed mentioned above and ready to delete the account. The one precaution you can take and delete all your stored email before deleting your account. It is not mandatory, but you should process these to negate any risk. Now go through these steps to delete your AOL email account:

Go to AOL sign-in page and provide your username and password and log in 

Now you can get the “Options” that you have to click and then go to “My account.”

Then a new window will appear and go to the bottom of the page; you will find “Account options.”

You need to click on that option and then select “And more” option 

Now you have to provide the answers to security questions, and without a correct answer, you cannot proceed

Then click on “Manage my subscriptions.”

You will see your existing plan and click to “change plan” next to it

You will get a pop up displaying that I already have a high-speed connection. Choose that option and then click on “View plans.”

Now click on “cancel,” and you will see the services and benefits that you are going to lose

Go to below of the page and click on “Cancel AOL” to delete your account.

Now you can easily witness that the process requires more attention and some important priorities before and during the deleting process. Now it is advised to you to get the assistance by calling at AOL Email Support to easily tackle the issue.

Read more:  AOL Email Tech Support

Source URL: How to deactivate or delete AOL email account

AOL email is known for its efficiency and security services that it offers to the users to keep them protected and provide them a sheer feeling of satisfaction while using the AOL email services. It has a lot of features to offer to manage the unique requirements of users. Now if you are worried about the spam messages and your inbox is full of useless messages then you should not worry because AOL provides proper protection from spam messages and allow you to review the settings as well. Now if you want to change the AOL’s spam settings, you need to follow this blog t ill the end. You can also contact at the AOL Email Tech Support Number  to get the professional support from the AOL experts. 

Easy steps to change the AOL spam filter settings:

AOL allows you to get into the settings and keep it as per your preferences and modify it whenever you want. You only need to follow these steps to make changes in AOL spam settings:

Go to the official site of AOL 

Log in with your username and password 

Then go to options that you find at the top right corner

Now select the “Mail settings” option where you will find “Spam settings.”

Click on “Spam settings” option 

Now you can change anything you want in this spam settings

After making changes click to save 

Then close the window 

Manage AOL settings:

Now you can make some changes that are useful for you such as managing unwanted emails, mark as spam or mark as not spam, etc. You can follow these steps to make these changes:

Marking as spam: 

You need to go to AOL mail and select the spam messages. You will find spam option top of the page. To mark as spam, you need to click on that option. 

Marking as not spam:

If you want to remove any email from spam, just click on “Not spam “and finish the task.

Creating spam folder:

You can create a spam folder by yourself with these steps:

Go to the options and then mail settings

Navigate the spam settings tab and then enter the email address that you want to block 

Click on the + icon and save the changes

AOL spam info:

AOL easily prevent the spam messages from getting into your account

AOL never provide your email address to the spammers

It offers several methods to stop the spam messages

You can choose a message to put in spam or remove from spam easily.

If you need further support related to AOL spam and want to ask something from experts, then you can contact at AOL Email Customer Care and get the proficient support and easy solutions within minutes. 

Read more: AOL email phone number 

Source URL: How Do I Change AOL Spam Filter Settings

AOL webmail is one of the most prominent email services which is available in the world. They are highly efficient due to the services that they provide to the users. Email services are one of the most sought after services. This is a service which is required by each and every individual. In such an environment where you the competition is neck to neck it is essential that you are highly skilled to survive. It is an easy process to create an account on AOL email. If you already have an existing AOL email account which you would like to set up on your new computer, you can simply follow the instructions that have been given in the blog. If you feel lost at any point of time you can easily connect with the AOL Email Customer Support Number where you would be provided with all the information that is required by you to overcome the issue that you are facing. 

The process to setup AOL email account on a new computer

Switch on the system on which you want to set up the AOL email.

Then you would have to place the AOL email setup CD in the CD drive of your system.

Now you would have to run the CD which would initiate the setup of the AOL Email software.

The setup would automatically start and if it does not, then you would have to manually initiate the process by double clicking on the CD drive folder.

Now you would have to click on .exe file and then choose the option of ‘Adding your existing account to your system.

After you have completed the above-given steps, you would have to click on the option ‘Next’.

Now you would have to wait for the software to be completely installed, after which would receive a prompt to enter your AOL email credentials. 

Once the installation process is complete you can then remove the Setup CD from your system.

When you have completed the process that has been given above, you would be able to effectively set up your existing AOL account on a new system. This would enable you to access all the work that you had been previously doing in your existing account and you would not face the need to go through the complete process of creating a new account. If you face any issue in following this issue, you can promptly connect with the AOL Email Technical Support, which is available throughout the day and is completely free of any charge.

Read more: AOL Email Support number

Source URL: Set Up Existing AOL Account on a New Computer