aolemail0254's blog

AOL is a widely preferred choice for sending and accepting messages. It is loaded with amazing highlights and several other astounding features. There are times when the users of AOL face certain issues. One such issue which the users come across is when the sign-in screen or AOL work area symbol stops appearing. There are several reasons because of which you might have to face this issue. The users can solve this issue by taking up assistance from trained professionals at AOL Email Customer Care   The users also have the option of going through the entire blog which would provide them with sufficient solutions using which they can solve the issue themselves.


Reasons behind confronting Sign-in screen error


The users would have to face the issue of sign-in error because of various reasons. Some of the most common reasons have been explained below:

·       This error can take place because of a validation malfunction.

·       It could also be possible that the AOL programming has become obsolete.

·       When the user is signing in, a clear screen could be displayed.

With the help of the technical support team, the users would be able to locate the accurate explanation behind having to face such an issue.


Ways to fix the issue of sign-in screen error


The users can solve this issue easily by taking up some simple steps. The steps that the users would have to undertake are as given below:

·       To start with, the users would have to attempt to change the web settings and clear every one of the available caches and cookies, which might be a probable reason for the issue.

·       At that point, click on the option of ‘Sign in’ menu, which is situated in the menu bar. Clicking on the ‘Sign-In’ screen would also help you in getting back the AOL login screen.

·       The users can also start afresh by closing your gadget down and turning it on again after a few minutes.

·       You also have the option of uninstalling the AOL programming and then reinstalling it. While getting this done, make sure that the expansions are off. Once you reintroduce the AOL programming, restart your gadget and then after that sign in once again. Make it a necessity to introduce the veritable AOL programming from the official site.

·       Make sure that the virtual memory settings are effectively set generally to address them.



When the users feel that they are caught up with some issue while incorporating the above-given steps, then the last option which they would have is to connect with AOL Email Tech Support Number    This service is available on a 24-hour basis and is free of cost. The users can easily connect with this customer service team from any possible location.


Read More     AOL Email Support Number  

Source URL:  How to recover the missing AOL Sign in screen


When planning a business meeting or organizing a birthday party, it is often quite difficult to get everyone on the same page. If you find yourself in a position where you have to send the same message to multiple people you can use the group email option on AOL Mail to make communication easier. This article will give you an overview on how to produce a group email in your AOL Mail. Apart from the steps below you can also call the  AOL Email Customer Support   and to learn more about the group email feature or to solve errors that may arise while sending a group email from your AOL account.


Steps to create a mail list in AOL Mail


If you want to send a group email, you will need to create a distribution list and add the contact you want. You can refer to the steps given below to create a list so that you can send group emails:

·       Step 1: Open your browser and sign in to your AOL Mail account

·       Step 2: Select the ‘Contact’ option located in the left panel of the inbox.

·       Step 3: Look for the name or email address of the person you want to add

·       Step 4: Press the contact icon to add people to the distribution list.

·       Step 5: Review all the contacts you added and then click the ‘Add list’ option to save the changes.


Steps to edit a mail list in AOL Mail


Once you create a list you can follow the instructions given below to make changes to the list:

·       Step 1: Access your AOL Mail inbox and go to the ‘Contacts’ section.

·       Step 2: Choose the distribution list where you want to make changes.

·       Step 3: Click the ‘X’ symbol to remove a contact or click the ‘Add’ option to include a new name to the list.

Remember to save the changes you make to the list before you exit your AOL account.


Steps to send a group email in AOL Mail


Once you created a mail list and made the necessary changes, you can follow the steps given below to send a group email:

·       Step 1: Open your AOL account and create a new email

·       Step 2: Write your email content in the space provided, as you usually do.

·       Step 3: After you finalize the content go to the ‘Send to’ field.

·       Step 4: Type the group name in the field and click ‘Send.’


If you have any trouble completing the steps mentioned above you can call the AOL Email Customer Care Number  and speak to a certified email expert to resolve the problem. AOL email experts are available 24 hours a day and will be able to help you with any error you may face on your AOL account.


Read More -     AOL Email Helpline Number    

Source URL: How to produce a group email in your AOL Mail

AOL mail is undoubtedly the most advanced email communication service that offers the best way to communicate with your contacts and friends without considering the threats of security. It provides you greater satisfaction with its great features and helps you immensely so that you can achieve the maximum support in  your communication process. Now AOL mail uses PFC file format that is Personal cabinet file to store the information on the server.


 But there are few hosts such as Outlook that don’t use the PFC format and use PST file format. So you would be unable to use AOL mail on Outlook and some other hosts. In such cases, you need to convert AOL mail to PST files. With this conversion you can easily get your AOL account to be supported on the Outlook and other such hosts. In case you can’t find the exact solution then you should contact at AOL mail tech support number for further assistance.


Detailed steps to convert AOL mail to PST file:


You need a clear approach to perform this activity on your own. Here are some easy steps to complete the process. all you need to do is follow these steps:

·        You need to open your Microsoft Outlook.

·        Then you have to go to the File option.

·        Next press the info option and then account.

·        You will get an open account settings window where you need to click on the new button.

·        Mark on the option “Manual setup or additional server types” and press the next button.

·        Select “IMAP/POP” and proceed with this information:


  1. Account Type: IMAP
  2. Incoming Mail Server:
  3. Outgoing Mail Server:


·        Then provide this information in the log in the area:

1.      User Name: Email address of AOL account

2.      Password: AOL email password

·        Click on the box remember password and go to more settings.

·        Then you need to navigate the outgoing server.


·        Checkmark the “SMTP requires” box and fill this information in advanced option:

  1. Incoming Server: IMAP – Port: 993
  2. Incoming Server Encrypted Connection: SSL
  3. Outgoing Server: SMTP – Port: 587
  4. Outgoing Server Encrypted Connection – TLS/Auto

·        Then you need to verify these details on your own and when you confirm click on the “OK” button and close the window.


These methods are quite helpful but somehow a little bit complicated. So it may  happen that you can’t find the exact options. So in these cases, you should contact at AOL email customer support number and get the easy support with a clear approach.


Read More -   aol email tech support

Source URL: Easy way to convert AOL mail to PST file